Vinmec Tissue Bank received the internationally accredited AABB certificate

Vinmec Tissue Bank received the internationally accredited AABB certificate

Vinmec Tissue Bank has officially received the internationally accredited certification AABB for 2 areas of services on cord blood and cord tissue. This is the first time for a tissue bank in Vietnam to get AABB-accredited in two areas simultaneously and become one of the 24 AABB-accredited tissue banks in both areas worldwide.

Boasting FDA-standard modern facilities, Vinmec Tissue Bank offer cord blood samples storage by the same BioArchive automated system adopted by the world’s leading countries in the field of medicine.

The AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies) certification is a globally recognized, aiming to elevate the quality and safety of collection, processing, storage and delivery of cell therapy products. AABB certification is regarded by obstetricians and medical practitioners as the quality guarantee for any choice of cord blood and stem cell banks  

The entire stem cell processing and storage process is conducted in a sterile laboratory system operating in accordance with WHO’s GMP standards to help reduce the risk of infection, ensure safety and maintain the highest cell viability


Tissue banks seeking AABB accreditation will have to pass a rigorous review process by a panel of leading international experts including cord blood experts, medical ethics experts, and stem cell transplant experts. The appraisal usually take from 1 to 2 years.


To meet the standards of AABB, for Vinmec Tissue Bank has focused on investing in modern equipment and technological processes according to FDA standards (US Food and Drug Administration) over the years. Cord blood samples at Vinmec are stored by the BioArchive automated system used in many countries of the world’s with most advanced medicine. The entire stem cell processing and storage process is conducted in a sterile laboratory system operating in accordance with WHO’s GMP standards to help reduce the risk of infection, ensure safety and maintain the highest cell viability

Vinmec Tissue Bank has completed the appraisal process and officially become AABB-accredited on both areas of cord blood banking and somatic cell/cord tissue banking.


A competitive advantage of Vinmec Tissue Bank is its location right inside Vinmec Times City International Hospital, a JCI-accredited hospital for quality and patient safety, CAP-accredited and ISO 15189 standard certified for disease screening and quality testing of pre-storage blood & tissue samples. Vinmec is also the only private tissue bank in Vietnam currently authorized by the Ministry of Health to conduct CME certification training for cord blood collection, processing and storage.

After 11 months of relentless efforts, Vinmec Tissue Bank went through appraisal process and successfully obtained AABB accreditation for both areas of cord blood and somatic/ cord tissue banking. The AABB accreditation has elevated Vinmec to among leading positions as part of the regional group of tissue banks, as one of the only two banks in Southeast Asia and 24 tissue banks worldwide to receive the accreditation in both active areas.

Ms. Le Thuy Anh – General Director of Vinmec Health System remarked: “Acquiring AABB accreditation will enable Vinmec Tissue Bank’s quality of stem cells to be recognized more widely. As such, doctors are assured to prescribe or use our Tissue Bank’s cell therapy products. This alsp serves as a foundation for Vinmec to cooperate with leading domestic and foreign hospitals in tissue and cell exchange; for the purpose of medical examination, treatment, training, and research”.

As the only private bank authorized by the Ministry of Health to conduct CME certification training for cord blood collection, processing and storage services, Vinmec has a team of highly qualified technicians, re-trained and updated knowledge periodically every year.

Since its establishment, Vinmec Tissue Bank has been supplying products for thousands of cases using stem cell therapy each year, effectively supporting the research and development of licensed treatments for critical illnesses such as: cerebral palsy, autism, spinal cord injury, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, while simultaneously contributing to the cure for for patients with cancer, osteoarthritis and spinal cord injury and improvement of their life quality.

Up to now, 100% of critical illnesses treatment with stem cells at Vinmec International General Hospital are deemed safe, uncomplicated and highly effective. In which, 90% of autistic patients and, 70-80% of patients with post-transplant cerebral palsy have positive changes. In post-transplant cerebral palsy patients, there has been improved motor function, significantly reduced muscle tone, increased muscle strength, better coordination in services and improved concentration skills along with better memory.

Besides collecting, receiving, processing, storing and supplying tissues and stem cells from tissue sources (umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord tissue, adipose tissue, bone marrow, tooth marrow…), Vinmec Tissue Bank also offer services in other areas including receiving, processing, hypothermic tissue storage and supply (HTSS) of allogeneic and autologous bone and tendon tissues for clinical use, as well as other human biological samples for diagnosis, treatment, research and medical training purposes.

To book an appointment, please dial HOTLINE or book directly HERE. Download and book an automatic appointment on the MyVinmec application to manage, track the schedule and book an appointment anytime, anywhere.


AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies) is an international non-profit association representing individuals and organizations in the fields of transfusion medicine and cell therapy worldwide. Organizations providing accreditation for laboratories includes Foundation for Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT), American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), and Joint Accreditation Committee-ISBT and EBMT (JACIE)… Promoting blood transfusion and cell therapy development globally, AABB is committed to ensuring the well-being of patients by providing standards, methods and educational programs with a focus on optimizing care and safety for both the patient and the donor.

To celebrate Vinmec Tissue Bank’s newly acquired AABB accreditation, Vinmec offers its customers up to VND 5,000,000 of discount for cord blood/umbilical cord blood storage packages (not applicable at Vinmec Phu Quoc, terms and conditions applied)

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