For a French expert in Vietnam, labor pain is not to be taken as a given. He has liberated hundreds of thousands of mothers from the trauma and fear of childbirth. His approach has become Vinmec’s ‘specialty’.
The haunting pain of labor
During her second childbirth, singer Tra My Idol opted for “pain-free delivery” using epidural anesthesia at Vinmec International General Hospital. “Within the first 24 hours, I felt much more comfortable and had no sensation of abdominal contractions. On the fourth day, despite having a C-section, I felt no pain, and my health had recovered enough for me to be discharged,” recalled the singer, reminiscing about her experience.
Similar to Tra My Idol, many hot moms, such as supermodels Ha Anh, Hang Tui, etc., named painless delivery as their biggest impression of Vinmec. Particularly after experiencing her first childbirth at Vinmec, actress Diep Lam Anh continued to choose Vinmec when giving birth to her second child in late October last year.
Actress Diep Lam Anh received comprehensive care from Vinmec’s medical professionals throughout her second pregnancy and successfully gave birth to her baby boy in late October 2019.
Behind the joy of a healthy delivery, few realize the pain and aftermath of a mother’s childbirth. An European report published in January 2019 found that 13% of natural birthing mothers who underwent episiotomies suffered from prolonged or chronic pain after childbirth.
In natural deliveries, many mothers undergo episiotomies and may experience prolonged or occasional unexplained pain after delivery. For C-section births, the commonly used method of spinal anesthesia involves the use of morphine. Morphine can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and even genetic changes. If the pain is not properly managed, it may require an increased opioid dosage (morphine), increasing the risk of postpartum depression and chronic pain, thereby affecting the mother’s health, personal life, and overall family life quality.
Using regional anesthesia techniques, mothers who give birth at Vinmec can experience gentle childbirth and a fast postpartum recovery.
Vinmec has transferred painless delivery techniques to hospitals in Asia and Europe.
Unburdened by the pain of childbirth, yet with his more than 30 years of experience in pain management, Professor Philippe Macaire, Head of the Anesthesiology and Pain Management Department at Vinmec International General Hospital, fully understands the women’s suffering. Together with Vinmec, he was determined to liberate mothers from this unnecessary pain.
Since the beginning of 2017, he has initiated the “Painless Hospital” model. In order to realize this, he persistently transferred and trained staff with regional anesthesia techniques for obstetrics (including pudendal nerve block and epidural anesthesia) in order for them to be comprehensively applied in all Vinmec hospitals. 100% of childbirth cases at Vinmec have used regional anesthesia to effectively reduce pain during and after delivery. The mechanism of these regional anesthesia techniques is straightforward and safe: early detection and prevention of pain signals from reaching the human brain.
Vinmec physicians always perform ultrasound prior to any regional anesthesia procedure to ensure accurate needle placement, guaranteeing both safety and efficacy.
“After 2 years of implementation, Vinmec has achieved a very high success rate, even compared to the global standard: 96–98% of cases that used regional anesthesia effectively achieved the desired results. This has allowed mothers giving birth at Vinmec to experience a gentle childbirth and fast postpartum recovery. Moreover, mothers who have C-section deliveries do not use morphine for pain relief, which ensures that their breast milk remains morphine-free, guaranteeing excellent nutrition for the baby,” shared Professor Macaire.
Prof. Philippe Macaire, the initiator of the “Painless Hospital” model, has promoted comprehensive regional anesthesia techniques in obstetrics across all Vinmec hospitals.
Globally, numerous countries have implemented regional anesthesia techniques in obstetrics. Since its introduction in 2017, Vinmec has remained the first and only hospital in Vietnam to utilize regional anesthesia methods in 100% of cases to reduce pain during and after childbirth. The results achieved by Vinmec even surpass those in many European countries, such as Denmark, where 37–55% of cases still require opioids despite regional anesthesia (reported in 1/2019) and 47–60% do not prolong pain relief effectiveness (as found by Raphael Blanco, the pioneer of regional anesthesia techniques, in a 2017 report).
Sharing the reasons behind Vinmec’s exceptional success, Prof. Macaire stated: “Vinmec doctors consistently use ultrasound as guidance prior to any regional anesthesia procedure, including spinal anesthesia, to ensure precise needle placement for safety and efficacy. Additionally, throughout the mother’s hospital stay, there is an anesthetist nurse available daily to assess pain and provide timely intervention.”
With these achievements, Vinmec’s painless childbirth techniques are garnering interest among the domestic and international medical communities. Vinmec has shared and transferred this technique to numerous hospitals in Asia and Europe through specialized training sessions on regional anesthesia organized by Vinmec, the University Hospital of Montpellier (France), and Korean partners in January-February 2019, as well as the Regional Anesthesia Asia Conference (RA Asia 2019) in June 2019.
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