Flexmls Platform by FBS https://flexmls.com Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:27:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://flexmls.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Spark – Flexmls Platform by FBS https://flexmls.com 32 32 Use Postman to Search for Inactive Members and Offices https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/use-postman-to-search-for-inactive-members-and-offices/ Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:25:37 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/postman-member-and-office-resources-copy/ Continued]]>

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that the following examples are being conducted with an IDX API key. For private fields and media data, a Private/Broker Back Office API key is required.

Search For an Inactive MLS Member

To search for an inactive Member, you can use multiple fields such as the MemberFullName, MemberEmail, MemberKey or the MemberMlsId. Please note that the MemberKey is a unique identifier for the MLS member. Also note the MemberMlsId is the local, well-known identifier for the member, and this value may not be unique. When attempting to pull an MLS member record, we recommend utilizing the MemberKey.

For this example, we will use the MemberFullName field. Once the member’s full name is acquired, you will need to apply the $filter parameter to search for that particular member. 

Within your ‘New Request’, click on the ‘Params’ tab. You will see a table with columns labeled ‘Key’, ‘Value’ and ‘Description’.

In the ‘Key’ column, enter the ‘$filter’ param and ensure that you have checked the box to the left of the param you entered.

In the next box under the $filter param, repeat the process by entering $select.

Now, in the ‘Value’ column on the right side of the $filter param, enter the following format:
MemberFullName eq ‘Enter_MemberFullName’ and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false)

For this example, we’re searching for MLS member Michael Scott, so my value will look like this: 

MemberFullName eq ‘Michael Scott’ and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false)

Next, you will want to $select the fields you wish to see. 

For this example, we will $select the following fields: 


Feel free to copy and paste the fields above as a ‘Value’ for the $select param.

If everything was entered correctly, Postman will create the following URL.

“https://replication.sparkapi.com/Reso/OData/Member?$filter=MemberFullName eq ‘Michael Scott’ and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false) &$select=MemberFullName, MemberStatus,MemberKey,MemberMIsid”

The results in your payload should look similar to this.

Search For an Inactive Office by Name.

Similar to researching for members, to search for an inactive office, you can use a variety of fields. For this example, we will use the office name. Once acquired, you will need to apply the $filter parameter to search for that particular office. 

Within your ‘New Request’, click on the ‘Params’ tab. You will see a table with columns labeled ‘Key’, ‘Value’ and ‘Description’.

In the ‘Key’ column, enter the ‘$filter’ param and ensure to check the box to the left of the param you entered.

In the next box under the $filter param, repeat the process by entering $select.

Now, in the ‘Value’ column, to the right of the $filter param, enter the following format:
OfficeName eqEnter_OfficeName’and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false)

For this example, we’re searching for inactive office named ‘Dunder Mifflin Office’, so my value will look like this: 

OfficeName eq ‘Dunder Mifflin Office’ and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false)

Next, you will want to $select the fields you wish to see. 

For this example, we will $select the following fields: 


Feel free to copy and paste as a ‘Value’ for the $select param.

Please note that the OfficeKey is a unique identifier for the office. Also note that the OfficeMlsId is the local, well-known identifier for the office, and this value may not be unique. When attempting to pull an MLS office record, we recommend utilizing the OfficeKey.

If everything was entered correctly, Postman will create the following URL.

“https://replication.sparkapi.com/Version/2/Reso/OData/Office?$filter=OfficeName eq ‘Dunder Mifflin Office’ and (Visible eq true or Visible eq false&$select=OfficeName, OfficeStatus,OfficeKey,OfficeMIsId”

The results in your payload should look similar to this.

Error Codes https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/error-codes/ Tue, 04 Feb 2025 23:04:09 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-to-query-inactive-members-copy/ Continued]]>

How to Query Inactive Members https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-to-query-inactive-members/ Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:50:05 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/quick-tips-for-datamart-success-copy/ Continued]]>

Quick Tips for Datamart Success https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/quick-tips-for-datamart-success/ Mon, 02 Dec 2024 18:13:06 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/creating-api-keys-with-credential-manager-copy-2/ Continued]]>

Replication https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/replication/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 16:12:24 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/creating-api-keys-with-credential-manager-copy-2/ Continued]]>

Use Postman to Search for Members and Offices https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/postman-member-and-office-resources/ Mon, 30 Sep 2024 17:03:03 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/postman-basic-queries-copy/ Continued]]>

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that the following examples are being conducted with an IDX API key. For private fields and media data, a Private/Broker Back Office API key is required.

Search for a Member by Name

To search for a Member, you can use multiple fields such as the MemberEmail, MemberKey or the MemberMlsId. For this example we will use the MemberFullName field. Once the member’s full name is acquired, you will need to apply the $filter parameter to search for that particular member. 

Within your ‘New Request’, click on the ‘Params’ tab. You will see a table with columns labeled ‘Key’, ‘Value’ and ‘Description’.

In the ‘Key’ column, enter the ‘$filter’ param and ensure to check the box to the left of the param you entered.

In the next box under the $filter param, repeat the process by entering $select.

Now, in the ‘Value’ column, to the right of the $filter param, enter the following format:
MemberFullName eq ‘Enter_MemberFullName

For this example, I’m searching for MLS member Michael Scott, so my value will look like this: 
MemberFullName eq ‘Michael Scott’

Next, you will want to $select the fields you wish to see. 

For this example, we will $select the following fields: 

Feel free to copy and paste the fields above as a ‘Value’ for the $select param.

If everything was entered correctly, Postman will create the following URL

The results in your payload should look similar to this.

Search for an Office by Name

Similar to researching for members, to search for an office, you can use a variety of fields. For this example we will use the office name. Once acquired, you will need to apply the $filter parameter to search for that particular office. 

Within your ‘New Request’, click on the ‘Params’ tab. You will see a table with columns labeled ‘Key’, ‘Value’ and ‘Description’.

In the ‘Key’ column, enter the ‘$filter’ param and ensure to check the box to the left of the param you entered.

In the next box under the $filter param, repeat the process by entering $select.

Now, in the ‘Value’ column, to the right of the $filter param, enter the following format:
OfficeName eq ‘Enter_OfficeName’

For this example, I’m searching for office named ‘Dunder Mifflin Office’, so my value will look like this: 
OfficeName eq ‘Dunder Mifflin Office’

Next, you will want to $select the fields you wish to see. 

For this example, we will $select the following fields: 

Feel free to copy and paste as a ‘Value’ for the $select param.

If everything was entered correctly, Postman will create the following URL.

The results in your payload should look similar to this.

Creating Custom Templates https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/creating-api-keys-with-credential-manager-copy/ Wed, 04 Sep 2024 16:59:17 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/creating-api-keys-with-credential-manager-copy/ Continued]]>

Creating API Keys with Credential Manager https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/creating-api-keys-with-credential-manager/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 19:41:11 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/master-the-approval-process-copy/ Continued]]>

  • Our API Support team sent a general announcement to all developers pertaining to the NAR settlement letting them know any information regarding MLS specific fields will be included in RETS notices.
  • If a data plan is suspended, when viewing the subscription card we have added a tooltip icon next to the Current Status and SUSPENDED labels that the MLS and developer can hover over to view the reason, provided by the MLS, for the suspension.
  • If API Support steps in to expedite the approval process when the MLS member is having issues, that approval history now shows the plan was approved by FBS API Support, on Behalf of [original approver] instead of the MLS as it previously showed. 
Master the Approval Process https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/master-the-approval-process/ Tue, 09 Jul 2024 05:13:35 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/api-questions-new-resources-available-copy/ Continued]]>

Licensee Management Overview        Data Plan Management Overview

API Questions? New Resources Available https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/api-questions-new-resources-available/ Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:33:29 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/who-has-access-to-our-mls-data-copy/ Continued]]>

Postman Basic Queries https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/postman-basic-queries/ Tue, 04 Jun 2024 14:38:03 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-to-use-postman-copy/ Continued]]>

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that the following examples are being conducted with an IDX API key. For private fields and media data, a Private/Broker Back Office API key is required.

Search For A Listing

To search for a listing, you will need the listing’s MLS ID. Once acquired, you will need to apply the $filter parameter to search for that particular listing.

Within your ‘New Request’, click on the ‘Params’ tab. You will see a table with columns labeled ‘Key’, ‘Value’ and ‘Description’.

In the ‘Key’ column, enter the ‘$filter’ param and ensure to check the box to the left of the param you entered.

In the next box under the $filter param, repeat the process by entering $select.

Now, in the ‘Value’ column, to the right of the $filter param, enter the following format:
ListingId eq ‘Insert_Your_ListingId’

For this example, I’m searching for ListingId # 5485355, so my value will look like this: 

ListingId eq ‘5485355’

Next, you will want to $select the fields you wish to see. 

For this example, we will $select the following fields. 


Feel free to copy and paste as a ‘Value’ for the $select param.

If everything was entered correctly, the results in your payload should look similar to this.

If you would like to pull photos and public documents, you can add the $expand param to the ‘Key’ column and Media as the Value field.

Your payload should display a “Media” field with enumerated values containing data for photos and public documents.

How To Use Postman https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-to-use-postman/ Tue, 04 Jun 2024 14:21:46 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=10926 Continued]]>

You might be wondering where do I begin? The first step is signing up for a free Postman account. Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs and it is what our API Support team uses when you or your developers/vendors write in with questions related to API queries and returned MLS data.

Head to https://www.postman.com/ and sign up using the ‘Sign Up’ button on the top right corner of the page.

Once signed in, you’ll want to click on the “Workspaces” dropdown menu on the top left of the page, then click on ‘My Workspace’

Within your workspace, click on the “Create Collection” button.

After creating your new collection, you will need to add your API access token.
In the ‘Authorization’ tab, click on the dropdown menu under ‘Auth Type’ and select ‘Bearer Token’.

Enter your access token in the ‘Token’ box.

Make sure to click ‘Save’ on the top right hand corner of the page.

Next, you’ll need to click on ‘Add a request’ to your new collection.

After adding a request, copy and paste the following URL as a new request, then click ‘Save’. This request will allow you to get started with pulling MLS listings.


Who Has Access to Our MLS Data? https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/who-has-access-to-our-mls-data/ Thu, 02 May 2024 15:34:32 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/stay-informed-developer-pricing-updates-copy/ Continued]]>

Stay Informed: Developer Pricing Updates https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/stay-informed-developer-pricing-updates/ Thu, 04 Apr 2024 21:29:10 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/mls-paid-api-keys-2-copy/ Continued]]>

MLS-Paid API Keys https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/mls-paid-api-keys-2/ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 21:35:24 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/five-things-for-developers-to-provide-for-speedy-support-copy/ Continued]]>

In the Spark Datamart, when creating MLS data plans or API keys via the Credential Manager, the MLS has the option to elect to pay for those API keys instead of the data consumer. 

There are two ways to issue MLS-paid API keys:

  1. Via the Credential Manager, on a one-off basis. On the screen to invite a developer to accept an API key, select the checkbox that says “This is an MLS-paid API key. The MLS, not the accepting developer, will be responsible for all associated charges.”

To learn how to create an MLS-paid API key via the Credential Manager, click here.

2. Offer an MLS-paid data plan. The MLS will pay for each subscription to the data plan. If you’re interested in this, please contact api-support@fbsdata.com, as this can only be set up by FBS.

  • Our team has been busy making updates to the approval process:
    • Agents and brokers can now find their pending data plan and licensee approvals by logging into their Spark Dashboard at www.sparkapi.io using their Flexmls credentials.
    • We have added additional explicit guidance about which Flexmls accounts are authorized to approve emails.
    • MLSs will now directly receive broker-level emails when there’s no office email address or set designated broker. The email will have instructions for how to handle these approvals.
Five Things Developers Should Provide for Speedy Support https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/five-things-for-developers-to-provide-for-speedy-support/ Tue, 06 Feb 2024 05:50:33 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/field-report-copy/ Continued]]>

We know that when developers are looking for help, they will often reach out to the MLS. Because of this, we are sharing with you a new auto response email which our API Support team is sending to all developer emails that come to the API Support inbox. In the email, we lay out the necessary information needed to provide issue resolution. If you have a developer reach out to the MLS, please ask them to include the information requested in the email below before reaching out to API Support. Without the items listed in the auto response email, our API Support team cannot begin troubleshooting. By including the items listed, we will have everything we need to quickly and easily resolve the issue with minimal back and forth. 

Developer Auto Response Email:

If developers ask, they can find the API FEED ID in their credential email. Note that they should not share the private access token. Here’s that email:

And when attaching screenshots, please have developers paste them directly in email. Due to security reasons, our team is unable to open attachments.

Field Report https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/field-report/ Thu, 02 Nov 2023 01:12:04 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/where-do-licenses-live-copy/ Continued]]>

If you have a vendor that is making the switch from RETS to API, the Field Report in the Spark Platform will help them with mapping. The Field Report shows the field name for a given piece of data across systems (Flexmls, RETS, the Spark API, and our RESO Web API) and can be useful when transitioning from a RETS feed to an API feed. The MLS is able to grab this report as well as the developer/vendor (as allowed by your MLS). Of course, our API Support team is always happy to grab this report for you as well.

To access the Field Report login to the Spark Platform and in the left hand menu use the API menu dropdown and select Template Manager. 

Then, pick any template and click “edit”


If you have no templates, create one and save as TEST. Note that you must first save the template before attempting to download this report.

Once in your template, navigate to the Report tab and select Download Results (CSV)

Developers and vendors that you work with also have access to download this report themselves.

To access, the developer/vendor signs in to their Spark Developer Account. Then they locate the data plan for the MLS where they are needing the fields report and select “Download Fields Report”

We have added a new MLS Notes section to Datamart Subscriptions where MLS admins can annotate notes for a specific data plan subscription. If you see a text bubble icon next to MLS Notes, that means comments exist. Any notes will display regardless of subscription status. And keep in mind these notes are for the MLS’s convenience and are not visible to developers.

Credential Manager FAQs Asked and Answered https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/data-plan-approvals-copy/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:50:44 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/data-plan-approvals-copy/ Continued]]>

In July, we announced that we are implementing a new developer fee for API keys created with Credential Manager. As of August 2nd, when creating an API key, $50 will be charged every month to the vendor receiving the feed, and you can see that announcement and learn more here

We are proud to offer the most feature-rich API in the industry — one that supports developer innovation and streamlines data consumption. These API usage fees are critical to ensuring that FBS has sufficient resources to provide continued support, ongoing API maintenance, new feature development, RESO compliance, and more. 

We wanted to take this month’s Spark Monthly to answer frequently asked questions about the change.

– Is a fee charged for each API feed?

Yes, $50 will be assessed each month per API key claimed by a developer/vendor.

– Am I updated once an API key is accepted?

Yes, once you have created a key and sent it to the vendor, you will receive a email notification when the key is claimed.

– When should I create a manual feed with Credential Manager?

1) If you do not offer data plans through the Spark Datamart or 2) If you need an API key that falls outside of your data plan options, a manually created API key is recommended.

– How are developer profiles created?

A developer/vendor profile is created by signing up for a Spark Developer account here.

Licensee Management Overview https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/licensee-management-overview/ Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:41:04 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/data-plan-approvals-copy/ Continued]]>

In July, we launched a new Licensee Management feature in the Spark Platform. This feature was highly requested and introduces a data plan option for MLSs that requires vendors to report licensees and associated Flexmls usernames for validation, as well as enabling reporting of multiple licensees on one plan that’s subject to MLS approval and terms which simplifies record-keeping and eliminates the need for new API keys. We’ve provided a quick video tutorial to walk you through the new feature. 

The video will cover:
– Available options
– Our recommended setup
– Advantages of implementation

As always, if you have any questions our API Support team is available to help.

Flyover: Datamart Subscriptions https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/flyover-datamart-subscriptions/ Thu, 29 Jun 2023 21:43:08 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/field-manager-and-field-report-announcement-copy/

There are tools available in the Spark Platform that allow you to easily manage your API feeds. In addition to viewing licensing information, you can also cancel or suspend a feed, review developer information, and view terms of use. Below, we’ll show you were to find it all in the Datamart Dashboard.

  1. Under Current Status, you can use the Change Status tool to temporarily suspend or permanently cancel a feed. Here, you are also able to give a reason as to why the feed was canceled or suspended that will be shared with the developer.
  1. Under Devloper, clicking on the developer’s name reveals their contact information.
  1. Scroll over Subscribption Purpose, and you will see the reasoning, provided by the developer, for needing access to the data feed.
Getting Familiar with Field Manager + New Field Report https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/field-manager-and-field-report-announcement/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 19:45:37 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/essential-details-for-swift-api-support-copy/ Continued]]>

To assist developers transitioning from RETS to our APIs, we’re adding a new downloadable report for developers that shows field names across Flexmls, RETS, the Spark API, and our RESO Web API. Developers consuming RETS feeds will be able to see the API fields that correspond to the RETS feeds they use, making the mapping process and transition to API that much easier. If you would like to opt your MLS out of offering this report, email our API support team.

Getting Familiar with Field Manager

Within the Spark Platform, the Field Manager is the best way to review what fields are available via the APIs. Here you can:

  • Filter for fields contained in each role 
  • Update fields permissions
    • Field permissions are inherited, to the maximum extent possible, from the field permissions set in Flexmls, and the Field Manager is for further additional permissions tweaks beyond that.

How to access the Field Manager and filter:

  1. Log into https://sparkplatform.com
  2. SuperUse as the root MLS account
  3. Access the API dropdown menu
  4. Select Field Manager
  5. Toggling the roles via the filter will adjust which fields are displayed below

You can change permissions for any field that contains a blue clickable link. Clicking on the link opens a popup allowing you to set that field’s specific role permissions. Updating a field is easy. Simply toggle which roles should have access to the selected field and save your changes. 

Terms in the left-most “MLS Label” column generally correspond to the Spark API, while the middle “Dictionary Field” corresponds to the RESO Web API. Please be aware it is possible to create discrepancies between what’s available via the RESO Web API and the Spark API for the same role if both the “MLS Label” and “Dictionary Field” terms are clickable and you set different permissions on each. We recommend keeping permissions for associated terms in sync as much as possible.

Also be aware that if you update a field’s permission via this Field Manager interface, it will disable that field’s permission sync from Flexmls.

If you see a discrepancy between the MLS Label and Dictionary Label(RESO DD) fields please reach out to us directly at api-support@fbsdata.com to ensure any mapping changes are made correctly. We also do not recommend mapping RESO DD fields yourself and ask that you reach out to us to assist. 

Essential Details for Swift API Support https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/essential-details-for-swift-api-support/ Tue, 02 May 2023 20:50:38 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/where-do-licenses-live-copy/ Continued]]>

Our API Support team is top notch, and they work hard to answer your questions quickly. But sometimes before they are able to answer a question, they have to ask a few of their own. In order to get you an answer as quickly as possible and cut down on back and forth communication, we have detailed out some information that our API Support team will need from you based on common scenarios. If you (the MLS) don’t know the answer to these questions, feel free to pass them along to the vendor or whoever is asking the technical questions. Coming to the conversation with the following information will help get your issue resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible!

  1. For any technical questions about data being returned in an API feed,  please provide the following:
  • The unique identifier (“API Feed ID”) for your API key. Having the API key helps us dig into the specific data feed configuration.
    • Note: please do not provide your API key’s access token. The access token is all that’s needed to make authenticated API requests, so emailing it is a security concern. The unique identifier (“API Feed ID”) is the most secure and efficient way to identify the API key you’re using

Example Credential Email:

  1. If a subscriber is receiving an error when making an API request, please provide the full error being returned. Copy/Pasting the error into an email  works great.
  2. If you have screenshots to share on an issue, please paste those directly in email. Due to security reasons, our team is not able to open attachments.
  3. When you have questions about an agent or office record please provide the Flexmls username for these inquiries.
Where Do Licenses Live? https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/where-do-licenses-live/ Wed, 05 Apr 2023 14:16:40 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/new-datamart-enhancements-copy/ Continued]]>

Handling e-sign agreements can be a tedious task when managing and licensing data feeds. The Spark Datamart is set up to replace those electronic agreements by making licensing terms and conditions available within the platform instead of having to be executed outside of the system. Once you upload your licensing information it’s easy to access for any data plan. Let’s recap where you can review accepted Terms of Use for Datamart subscriptions if you are looking for a more detailed view for your records.

Navigate to Datamart Subscriptions. There you can click the “Terms of Use” link. This will open up a detailed page where you can view the history of who accepted, when they accepted, and the exact licensing terms that were accepted.

Curious who has agreed to the Terms of Use for each data plan? Simply navigate to the subscription in question by going to the Datamart Dashboard, and look under Approval History. Hover over the information icon to see a quick summary of who approved, when they approved, and the email address where the approval was sent.

New Datamart Enhancements https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/new-datamart-enhancements/ Mon, 27 Feb 2023 19:22:45 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/who-gets-what-answer-with-role-manager-copy/ Continued]]>

We’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’re happy to share new improvements we’ve made to the approval process when working with data plans in the Spark Datamart.  These enhancements will simplify your experience, making it faster and easier to get approvals and get your data plan over the finish line. Check out some of the new updates below!

Combined Agent/Broker Data Plan Approval 

  • If the agent is the broker for their office, the approvals are now combined and only one approval is required. Previously, when a data plan subscription required both agent and broker approval,  two separate emails were sent, requiring approval at both the broker and agent level, even when the approving agent was the broker.

Broker-Level Data Plan Email Approvals

  • If an office’s designated broker is set in Flexmls, approval emails will go to both the office email and the designated broker’s email. Previously, those emails were only sent to the email address set for the office.

Office-Level Approval can be Given at the Member Account Level

  • Previously, broker-level approval for data plans could only be accomplished if logged into Flexmls as the office account itself. Now, if a user is set as the designated broker, this approval can be submitted if the user is logged in as the office OR or their own member account.
Who Gets What? Answer with Role Manager https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/who-gets-what-answer-with-role-manager/ Tue, 31 Jan 2023 22:00:22 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/data-plan-approvals-copy/ Continued]]>

Not all data feeds are created equal. In the Spark Platform, the Role Manager allows you to manage the common listing data is displayed (or not displayed) in VOX, IDX, and Private feeds (Portal and Public feeds are not used). Under each role tab, there are two sub-tabs: General Rules and Data Display Rules. Today, we’ll focus on Data Display Rules, where you’ll find controls for some common pieces of  listing data each role has access to. The Field Manager allows you to set granular permissions for almost every listing field, but the Role Manager highlights some important ones in a simpler way.

How to get there:

  1. Log in to the Spark Platform (https://landing.sparkplatform.com), with your username and credentials and then superuse as the MLS root account.
  2. Click the “API” dropdown on the left side navigation bar, and then select Role Manager.
  3. Select the role you are interested in viewing from the tabs at the top (Private, IDX, or VOW).
  4. Select Data Display Rules.
    1. Here you can select what data may show or must show when displayed on outgoing data feeds by simply checking the box next to the item.
      1. Must fields are required to show and display data.
      2. May fields are not required but will show and display data if it is available.  
  5. Select Other Settings to see the listing statuses displayed in the selected role’s data feed.
  6. Click Update if any changes were made.

Now you have successfully updated Roles in the Spark Platform. If you have questions outside of the guidelines above, we are always happy to help. Email us at api-support@fbsdata.com

To support faster and easier workflows during the approval process in the Spark Datamart, we have made the following enhancements:

1. For pending Datamart subscriptions, while superusing as the MLS, MLS admins can now manually specify any email address when resending an approval email. 

2.  While superusing as the MLS, MLS admins now have the ability to reject a data plan at any level during the approval process from the Datamart Dashboard.

Data Plan Approvals https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/data-plan-approvals/ Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:53:08 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/datamart-overview-copy/ Continued]]>

If your MLS has a data plan(s) setup, you might occasionally get questions from agents/brokers about the process for approving data plan requests from vendors or developers. Today, we’re going to share some helpful tips, FAQs, and a quick video that runs through the approval process. Feel free to copy and paste all, or parts, of this email, to send to your brokers and agents who have questions about this  process. 

In this video, we’ll walk through two scenarios for agents and brokers to approve data plan requests.

Q: I cannot find the approval email. What email address was it sent from?

A: The approval emails are sent from donotreply@sparkplatform.com

Q: Why am I getting an error when trying to authenticate myself?

A: You might be trying to authenticate the wrong account. You will need to double check if you are approving as the agent or the broker.

  • If approving as an agent, your normal Flexmls username and password will be used.
  • If approving as the broker, you will need to use the Flexmls *office* credentials which are separate from the typical Flexmls agent credentials you normally use.

Q: Once I click on “Review Approval Request” I am taken to a Flexmls login screen. Is this a phishing attack?

A: No. This is expected behavior and you should see a Flexmls login screen once you click “Review Approval Request”.

– Open the approval request in an incognito window (What’s an incognito window?) so that other open Flexmls sessions do not impact the approval process.

– Brokers have two access points into Flexmls: one as an agent and one as a broker (brokerage/office), meaning brokers have two sets of Flexmls login credentials.

– If you are a broker and do not know your Flexmls username for the office you oversee, please reach out to your MLS to assist you.

Datamart Overview https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/datamart-overview/ Tue, 06 Dec 2022 16:11:58 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=8111 Continued]]>

Welcome to Spark Monthly, where each month we will be sharing information on all things Spark API, including information about data plans (tips and FAQs), the approval process, credential, field and role managers, and lots of other helpful information to make sure you have resources you need to successfully license and manage data feeds for IDX websites, back-office software products, and more. Each month, depending on what we have to share, you can expect FAQs, information about product enhancements, quick tips, and training videos. We’ll kick this month off with an overview of the Spark Datamart.

The Spark Datamart let’s you:

  • Automate API access requests and approvals
  • Review who has access to your data
  • Suspend and cancel API access
  • Collect data licensing fees
  • Set licensing terms and review who’s accepted what when