Flexmls Platform by FBS https://flexmls.com Wed, 26 Feb 2025 17:05:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://flexmls.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Fast Pass – Flexmls Platform by FBS https://flexmls.com 32 32 Quick Tips for Using Quick Launch https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/quick-tips-for-using-quick-launch/ Wed, 26 Feb 2025 17:00:59 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/become-your-clients-go-to-market-expert-with-flexmls-stats-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about tips for Quick Launch in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

The Google-style search bar in Flexmls is one of the most powerful tools in the system. You’re probably familiar with using it to search by MLS number or address, or to look up offices or members. But, did you know about all the other ways you can use the search bar to save you time and effort? For a quick radius search in the Quick Launch bar, you can type  “near” or “1 mile from” + the MLS number to search. You can use symbols, such as combining > or  < with a price, to find homes more or less than that value. You can also combine search criteria, like “400k to 500k 4 bed 4 bath.” And, you can even search by listing status. Find recently closed listings by searching “recently closed.” All of these search options (and more!) are available to you in the Quick Launch bar.

Check out our step-by-step walkthrough or short video to learn more about quick tips for searching in Quick Launch–happy searching!

Social Post: 

The Flexmls Quick Launch search tool offers a Google-style, platform-wide search experience. You can use it to search for various items, including other members or offices, MLS numbers, radius searches, and listings by status. Learn about how to search these items, and more, with this quick video tutorial!

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/short-tip-videos/getting-started-with-quick-launch/

Become Your Clients’ Go-To Market Expert with Flexmls Stats https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/become-your-clients-go-to-market-expert-with-flexmls-stats/ Tue, 28 Jan 2025 22:26:21 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/broker-and-office-admin-tools-in-flexmls-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about where to find market statistics in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Become Your Clients’ Go-To Market Expert with Flexmls Stats

With the Stats tab in Flexmls, you can instantly impress your clients by becoming the neighborhood expert they trust for deep market insights. For example, your client might say: “I’m interested in the 12345 zip code. What can you tell me about that market?” Using Quick Search to filter by that zip code, you can go to the Stats tab and immediately show them information like:

– Median List vs. Sold Prices
– Average Days on Market trends
– How time on market affects pricing
– And lots more valuable data

The best part? You can refine the data in real-time. When your client adds specific must-haves, such 3 bedrooms and a 2-car garage, simply update your Quick Search criteria, and the Stats tab instantly adjusts to show relevant data for their exact needs. Check out the stats tab with our guided tour that will walk you through it

Looking for more training?

Watch this video: Quick Statistics for Search Results
Or check out this written help page: Stats Tab (Search Results)

Social Post: 

Become your clients’ trusted neighborhood expert with instant market insights! With the Flexmls Stats tab, you can show median prices, market trends, and customized data for any search criteria in seconds. We’ll show you how in this video:

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/recorded-trainings/coffee-break-quick-statistics-for-search-results/

Portals 101 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/portals-101-2/ Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:41:43 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/broker-and-office-admin-tools-in-flexmls-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about client portals in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Portals 101

Portals are personalized, client-facing websites that allow you to create a unique homebuying experience for each prospect. In the portal, clients can interact directly with listings you recommend, save their favorites, and provide feedback. The portal automatically updates clients with real-time information on new listings, price changes, and status updates, ensuring they always have the latest details. As the agent, you also get a personalized web address for your portal, along with branding options, to help you maintain a professional and customized presence. Below, we have some resources to get you started—including a quick video overview.

Recorded Training:

Guided Help:

Written Help:

Product News:

Social Post: 

Are you using portals to maximize engagement with homebuyers? Check out this quick video to learn about how to use Flexmls portals to give your customers a branded and customized homebuying experience.

Video URL to copy/paste into post:


Broker and Office Admin Tools in Flexmls https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/broker-and-office-admin-tools-in-flexmls/ Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:24:19 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/boost-listing-with-an-open-house-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about different tools for brokers in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Broker and Office Admin Tools in Flexmls

If you’re a broker or office manager, managing a team can feel like juggling multiple balls in the air. That’s where Flexmls comes in. With customizations and available reports, you can quickly track your agents’ activities, monitor performance, message your team, and stay on top of key metrics. These tools not only help you manage your office—they also provide valuable insights to guide your team toward success.

  • Customize your dashboard by adjusting the settings on My Listings to show My Office Listings.
  • Add Office Listings to your Favorites menu for easy access and oversight. 
  • In General Preferences, set up notifications for listings about to expire.This can help you stay proactive and ensure that your team’s listings are up-to-date. 
  • Use My Messages to easily send emails to everyone in your office, keeping your team aligned and informed.
  • For performance tracking, use the Ranking Report to help you identify top-producing agents and see where your office ranks in the MLS.

Click here to view step-by-step guided tours for brokers and office admins.

Social Post: 

Hey Brokers! Flexmls can help you stay proactive and ensure that your team’s listings are up-to-date. Under General Preferences, you can set up notifications for listings that are about to expire. For that and other ways to customize Flexmls, check out this quick training video: 

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/recorded-trainings/coffee-break-general-preferences/

Boost Listing With an Open House https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/boost-listing-with-an-open-house/ Tue, 29 Oct 2024 03:09:13 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/autofill-listings-with-virtual-tour-data-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about searching and creating open houses in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Boost Listing With an Open House

Boost Your Listing With an Open House

Open houses are a powerful tool to generate interest in your listing and create face-to-face networking opportunities. Whether you’re hosting your first open house or searching for opportunities to preview properties for your buyers, Flexmls makes it easy to both create and search for listings with an open house. Below, we’ll share resources that walk you through scheduling and creating (you can even do it on mobile!) your own open houses, as well as finding other open houses in your market area.

Creating an Open House for Your Listing

Written Help: 

Guided Help:

Searching for Listings With Open Houses

Written Help: 

Guided Help:

Social Post: 

Open Houses are powerful tools to generate interest in your listing and create networking opportunities. Learn how to create an open house for your listing in Flexmls.

Social Graphic: Download image above for social.

Flexing with the Stars https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/flexing-with-the-stars/ Mon, 23 Sep 2024 17:15:28 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/autofill-listings-with-virtual-tour-data-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Favoriting menu items for easy access in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Flexing with the Stars

By now, we probably sound like a broken record talking about all the ways you can customize Flexmls to mirror the way you work. But this is its superpower, and it’s yours too. Another one of the most popular customizations is the ability to update your Favorites bar with shortcuts to your most-used pages in Flexmls. If you open the menu and click the star icon next to any menu item, that item will get added to your Favorites bar at the top of the page for easy access in the future.

Written Help: 

Guided Help:

Product News:

Social Post: 

Did you know that  ⭐starring ⭐ any link in the Flexmls menu adds it to your Favorites bar for easy access in the future?

Social Graphic: Download GIF above for social

Autofill Listings with Virtual Tour Data https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/autofill-listings-with-virtual-tour-data/ Tue, 27 Aug 2024 17:25:53 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/make-it-your-own-custom-hot-sheet-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about using a virtual tour to populate listing fields in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! *This feature is only available if your MLS uses the Rooms tab when adding listings.

Autofill Listings with Virtual Tour Data

Short on time? If you have a Matterport or iGUIDE virtual tour, you can upload the link to your listing in Flexmls, and with just one click, auto populate listing information on the Rooms tab. This feature uses AI to extract data from your virtual tour and fill in essential listing details, including each room’s dimensions and names. This functionality eliminates the need to manually enter this data, saving you valuable time while also reducing the risk of errors!

Discover how this seamless integration can help you get your listings active faster!

Written Help: 

Guided Help:

Product News:

Social Post: 

You are busy. To speed up listing entry (and improve data accuracy), you can auto populate listing information on the Rooms tab with just one click when you upload a Matterport or iGUIDE virtual tour to your listing. Flexmls uses AI to extract data from that virtual tour to populate listing fields on the Rooms tab. Have an iGUIDE or Matterport virtual tour? Upload it to your listing and check out the new feature!

Social Graphic: Download GIF above for social

Your Flexible & Customizable Flexmls Dashboard https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/your-flexible-customizable-flexmls-dashboard/ Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:02:02 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-your-email-tempalte-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Dashboard in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Your Flexible & Customizable Flexmls Dashboard

Create Shortcuts to All Your Favorite Places

When you log in to Flexmls every day, are you greeted with a perfectly customized homepage showing your customers’ activity at-a-glance and shortcuts to your most frequently used items? If not, click to watch this quick 3-minute video and learn how to set up your Dashboard. Add and arrange your panels or gadgets to create that perfect homepage experience. If you’d rather jump right into Flexmls, this guided tour will get you up and running right away, and our Flexmls Help on Dashboard Customizations can be found here if you run into any questions.

When you log in to Flexmls every day, are you greeted with a perfectly customized homepage that shows you what’s going on with your customers at a glance, plus shortcuts to your most frequently used items? If not, learn how to set up your Dashboard in less than 3 minutes!

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://bit.ly/3czEAGZ

Make it Your Own: Custom Hot Sheet https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/make-it-your-own-custom-hot-sheet/ Wed, 31 Jul 2024 16:48:24 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-your-email-tempalte-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Custom Hot Sheet in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Make it Your Own: Custom Hot Sheet

The Hot Sheet gadget is one of the most popular functions on the Flexmls dashboard. It’s a quick, easy way to stay up-to-date on local market changes in the last 24 hours. But what if you want a Hot Sheet gadget that shows different criteria? No problem! Flexmls is all about customization. You can create a Custom Hot Sheet gadget with events, timeframes, and property types beyond the default values, to create a personal Hot Sheet that has the information you are interested in. Whether you want to drill down to a specific map region or neighborhood, or you are just looking for other basics, you can do it all with a Custom Hot Sheet. 

Written Help: 
Custom Hot Sheet

Short Tip Video:
Hot Sheets

Guided Tour:
Custom Hot Sheet

Customize Your Hot Sheet! 

Stay up-to-date with a Flexmls Custom Hot Sheet gadget! 📊 Tailor it to show the events, timeframes, and property types you care about. Whether it’s specific neighborhoods or broader trends, learn how to create a Custom Hot Sheet to stay on top of the market and impress your clients!

Video URL to copy/paste into post:  https://help.flexmls.com/en/custom-hot-sheet.html

Sync Listing Status with Photo Privacy https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/sync-listing-status-with-photo-privacy/ Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:07:19 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-your-email-tempalte-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about listing photo privacy status in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Sync Listing Status with Photo Privacy

From listed to sold, you have the ability to sync listing media privacy status with listing status. When your listing is active, showcasing high-quality photos and virtual tours to the public is important for attracting potential buyers. However, once the property is sold, your homebuyer might ask that the media be removed to protect their privacy. The photo privacy feature in Flexmls allows agents to control who can access past listing photos, by giving the ability to restrict access to only members of the MLS. This ensures that detailed images of the property are not freely available on the internet, protecting your client’s privacy while still allowing other real estate professionals access to necessary information for CMAs, appraisals, and future transactions. To learn how to use this feature to manage listings effectively and adhere to privacy concerns, check out some of the resources below.

Written Help: 
Make a Photo Private

Short Tip Video:
Private Photos, Videos and Virtual Tours

Guided Tour:
Upload and Manage Photos

Photo privacy is important for many sellers.

In Flexmls, you can make photos, videos, and virtual tours private or private while off market. This prevents photos from being available for public viewing while still allowing them to be seen by members of your MLS for creating CMAs and more. Learn more about this feature with our quick video!

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/short-tip-videos/private-photos-videos-virtual-tours/

Customize Your Email Template https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-your-email-tempalte/ Wed, 29 May 2024 10:47:40 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/help-with-this-page-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about email templates for subscriptions in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Customize Your Subscription Email Template

Looking to boost client engagement? Give your email templates some personality! Consider creating a new (or refreshing an old) email template. The email template you select when setting up a subscription is what is automatically emailed to clients when you send subscription or manual emails in Flexmls. If you create a new email, it can be saved and used as a template for future emails. 

Below we have created an email template for you to use as a starting point: 

Tip! Use generic language in your email, as this message will be sent to the contact for each new listing match. 

Subject: New Listings for You


Hi there!

I wanted to share some new listings. Based on your preferences, I believe these could be a match for what you’re looking for. If any of these properties catch your eye or if you’d like more information on any of them, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’d be happy to arrange a viewing at your convenience or provide additional details. I’m here to help you find the perfect home!

Here are the latest listings:

With the written help page below, we will walk you through creating or modifying your email template. Give it a try!

Written Help: 
Create or Modify an Email Template

Short Tip Video:
Subscription Refresher

Did you know when creating and sending a subscription email in Flexmls you can make a custom email template for your clients so that it sounds personal and drives client engagement? For a quick refresh on setting up subscriptions, watch this short video: 

Video URL to copy/paste into post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/short-tip-videos/introduction-to-subscriptions/

Flexmls SOS Button: Help With This Page https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/help-with-this-page/ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 15:17:54 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/double-up-your-defense-copy/ Continued]]>

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It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about “Help with this Page” in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Flexmls SOS Button: Help With This Page

We understand that there’s a lot to learn with any MLS system. Knowing where to go to find answers when questions pop up isn’t always clear. In Flexmls, there are many opportunities for education, from the Flexmls Academy to Guided Help but one resource you might not know about is Help With This Page, otherwise known as contextual help. No matter what page you’re on, if you find yourself stuck, Help With This Page is a dynamic button that knows where you are in the system and will give you specific help information about the page you are on. If you are on the Saved Searches page and have a question, simply navigate to the Help Menu > Help with this page to get additional information on Saved Searches. This is a great resource if you find yourself stuck with a question while working on something! Help With This Page allows you to get answers to your questions without navigating out of Flexmls. Check it out in more detail with the recording training below.

Recorded Training:
Help Options (7:55)

🔍 Question in Flexmls? Don’t worry, Help With This Page has your back! Just a click away, it offers specific, dynamic help information for whatever page you’re on in the system.

Video URL to copy/paste into post: Use GIF as social image

Double Up Your Defense https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/double-up-your-defense/ Tue, 26 Mar 2024 13:56:59 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/your-listings-on-the-go-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about turning on two-step verification in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Double Up Your Defense

As online security becomes increasingly important, we want to remind you of an additional Flexmls security measure that you can take to add another layer of protection to your MLS account. In Flexmls, under My Profile, you can enable two-step verification. This adds an extra layer of security to your Flexmls login by requiring you to enter a security code (sent via text message, phone call, or mobile authenticator app) when you log in. When you enable two-step verification, you are able to stay logged in on multiple devices without ending other Flexmls sessions. Enabling two-step verification ultimately helps safeguard your account and protect against unauthorized access. We encourage you to turn it on today. Check out the links below for step-by-step instructions for getting set up.

Guided Tour (must login to Flexmls to access): 

Enable Two-Step Verification

Written Help:
Enable Two-Step Verification

🔒 Keeping your Flexmls account more secure is easy with two-step verification. To enable it for your account login to Flexmls and go to Security under My Profile. Need help? Follow this link for step-by-step instructions. 

Video URL to copy/paste into  post: https://bit.ly/43uQIS1

Your Listings On-the-Go https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/your-listings-on-the-go/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 15:07:34 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/perfecting-your-preferences-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about editing listings on mobile in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Your Listings On-The-Go

As a real estate professional, you’re in your car and away from the office often. Sometimes you have changes you need to make to your listings as soon as possible, no matter where you are. With Flexmls, you aren’t limited to only editing listings when you are on your computer. With the Flexmls Pro App, you have the ability to edit listings on-the-go on your phone or tablet. On the app, you are able to edit  price, status, and photos (plus marketing activities if using the Android app). Check out the training videos below to see how you can work with listings when you’re away from your desk. 

Recorded Training:

Flexmls Pro App – Android (skip to 4:07 for editing listings)
Flexmls Pro App – iOS (skip to 4:38 for editing listings)

Working on-the-go? Edit your listings (status, price, photos) from the Flexmls pro app. Check out the video to learn how >> for iOS users (https://bit.ly/3Tgm2k8) and for Android users (https://bit.ly/48qoWah)

Perfecting Your Preferences https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/perfecting-your-preferences/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:11:31 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/year-in-review-stats-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about General Preferences in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Perfecting Your Preferences

Looking for ways to make your life easier? The General Preferences page (find this by searching “General Preferences” in the menu) in Flexmls offers many different settings that can save you time and effort when working in Flexmls. Here’s some of what it can do:

  • Prepping for tax season and want to see your closed or sold listings for last year? Under Listings tab, you can choose which statuses you want to see, as well as how far back they go, when viewing the My Listings page.
  • Trouble staying on top of your expiring listings? Under Notifications tab, you can turn on a setting to receive an email notification when your listing is about to expire.
  • Want to customize your 1-click comparable search results to your local market? Adjust default filters under the Comparables tab.
  • Tiny fonts giving you trouble? Use the Search tab to change the font size of search results in Quick Search.

There are a lot of customization options in General Preferences available to you. We definitely recommend taking a look at the resources below to make sure you are taking full advantage of them!

Recorded Training
Coffee Break: General Preferences

Written Help
General Preferences

Are you looking for your closed or sold listings for the last year as we head into tax season? “Listings” under General Preferences in Flexmls will let you choose which statuses you want to see and how far back they go when looking at the My Listings page. Check out this recorded training to learn about that setting and others in General Preferences in Flexmls!

Video URL to copy/paste into post:

Year-in-Review Stats https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/year-in-review-stats/ Wed, 27 Dec 2023 15:20:16 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/map-tools-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Agent Production and Market Statistics in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Year-in-Review Stats

Today, we are sharing a Did You Know series, which is a selection of Guided Tours in Flexmls that focuses on statistical report options. As 2023 comes to a close, it is a great time to run a few market stats reports to help you understand the year’s trends, help you set business goals for the year ahead, and show off your market expertise to clients. The data in our MLS can provide powerful insights, and the Did You Know: Statistical Report series can walk you through how to gather statistics for your own transactions and custom sections of your market.

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)
Did You Know: Statistics Edition

As the year comes to an end, now is a great time to run your production numbers in Flexmls! Watch this webinar to learn how to view your production with the Summary Statistics Report 📈

Video URL to copy/paste into post:

Map Tools https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/map-tools/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:59:39 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/listing-collections-2-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Map Toolbar in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Navigating the Map Toolbar

When using Quick Search in Flexmls, you have the option to view your search results on the map and narrow your search using filters in the Map Toolbar. In the Map Toolbar, there are a lot of handy tools for navigating the map and customizing your search. For example, if you have a client who isn’t interested in a house within a 1-mile radius of the airport, you can draw a circle on the map around the airport and exclude search results in that circle. Or if you zoom in to the parcel level, the Nosy Neighbor tool is a helpful way to quickly get a listing snapshot including parcel dimensions and listing history, and also good for easily scanning surrounding listings. There are a lot of helpful map tools that help you search faster and more efficiently. Take some time to look at the resources below to become familiar with those tools. 

Written Help

Zooming on the Map
Nosy Neighbor 
Search Shapes
Locate Address
Color Legend

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Quick Search Map Drawing Tools

Short Tip Video

Quick Search: Custom Map Overlays

Make the map work for you 🗺️
In Flexmls you have many toolbar options to filter your search results and navigate listings on the map. Learn how to use them to search faster and find your client the perfect listing! 

Video URL to copy/paste into post:

Listing Collections https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/listing-collections-2/ Wed, 25 Oct 2023 13:18:13 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/did-you-know-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Listing Collections in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members! 

Listing Collections

Do you need to make or save a specific group of listings in Flexmls? Perhaps you’re searching for comparables for a CMA you are putting together later in the week, or perhaps you want a list of open houses. Creating a Listing Collection allows you to save a specific group of listings from the search results page. You can also select listings in search results and add them to an existing collection. 

Keep in mind that Listing Collections are static lists and they save the listings, not the search criteria. This means that once saved, the contents of your Listing Collection will not change unless you manually add new listings.

Short Tip Video

Listing Collections

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Create a Listing Collection
Access a Listing Collection

Written Help

Listing Collections
Save a Listing Collection

Listing Collections in Flexmls are a great way to save a specific group of listings. Whether you’re gathering comps for a CMA or want a list of open houses, a Listing Collection will be an easy way to keep track of those listings.

Video URL to copy/paste into post: 


Did You Know? https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/did-you-know/ Tue, 19 Sep 2023 20:26:50 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/photos-101-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply share the guided tours below with your members in your next newsletter or email to teach them about Portals and Quick search. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Did You Know?

We’re switching things up a bit this month. Instead of a Fast Pass focused on one topic, we wanted to share with you our “Did You Know” series. This series was created to address a knowledge gap and provide some quick tips and tricks in the system that a regular training video might not cover. Flexmls  does A LOT, but there are some hidden gems that your members might not be aware of. Share the two series below with your members and encourage them to dive a little deeper in Flexmls and learn some cool functions.

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

  • Did You Know  – Quick Search
    This series covers 1-click shortcuts to listing activities, how to easily toggle to photos on a listing, how to send a Public vs. Private Report, and how to edit a search that has already been performed. 
  • Did You Know – Working with Portals
    This series covers Portal basics, how to set Portal preferences and invite a client to the Portal, adding listings to a client’s portal, and how to review portal activity data.
Photos 101 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/photos-101/ Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:21:15 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customizing-your-contact-management-screen-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about adding listing photos in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Photos 101

Let’s talk photos—an important part of the Add Listing process. In Flexmls, you are able to add or remove photos, rearrange the order, add titles and captions, change the primary photo, rotate photos, and change photo privacy. Below, you will find resources (guided tour, recorded training, and written help) that walk you through the process—but we’ve called out a few key things as well.


  • Max file size is 15 MB or 3000 x 2000 pixels.
  • The primary listing photo cannot be deleted. This is the photo with the blue box around it when you are uploading/editing photos. To mark a different photo as primary, click the flag icon.
  • The maximum number of photos per listing is set by your MLS.
  • Changes to photos are saved automatically.

Recorded Training

Adding and Changing Listings (skip to 22:38 for adding photos)

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Uploading and Managing Photos

Written Help

Adding or Changing Listing Photos

Having trouble uploading or editing photos on your listing? This recorded training will walk you through the entire Add Listing process. If you just want to learn about adding photos, skip to 22:38 📷

Video URL to copy/paste into  post: 


Customizing Your Contact Management Screen https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customizing-your-contact-management-screen/ Thu, 27 Jul 2023 06:01:38 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/custom-views-for-tailored-search-results-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about customizing Contact Management in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Customizing Your Contact Management Screen

Did you know that you’re able to customize your Contact Management screen? In Flexmls, when working with contacts, you can change the order of columns and choose which columns of data appear. Under Contact Management, select Advanced > Customize Contact List and edit from there. For example, if you have a lot of contacts, you might want to add the Date Created column to be able to sort contacts in order by age and have newest contacts at the top. There are lots of other data options available for you to add and customize to show the information you want to see in the order you prefer.

Recorded Training

Coffee Break- Customize Your Contact Management Screen

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Customize Contact Management Screen

Written Help

Advanced Menu (Contacts)

Let’s make your Contact Management screen your own! Learn how to customize the data that appears to match the way you do business. 

Video URL to copy/paste into  post: 


Custom Views for Tailored Search Results https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/custom-views-for-tailored-search-results/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 08:12:40 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/simplify-your-property-searches-with-quick-search-templates-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Views in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Custom Views for Tailored Search Results

Flexmls offers a wide range of customization features. In addition to being able to tailor your Quick Search templates, you are also able to customize the order in which those search results display, called Views. Views are a set of columns that display important data on search results pages, and you can customize them to fit your specific needs. For example, when looking at Closed Listings, you can include columns like Sold Date, Sold Price, Days on Market, and Selling Agent, compared to when looking at Active Listings, you might want List Price, Bedrooms, and Bathrooms. We’ve gathered a variety of resources to help you create custom Views and make the most of this powerful feature.

Upcoming Webinar

Customize Your Search Results

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Guided Help Tour: Customize Listing Views
Guided Help Tour: Apply a Sort to a View
Guided Help Tour: Create a Custom Search Template

Written Help

My Views
Customize an Inherited Quick Search Template 
Create of Edit a View

Views in Flexmls allow you to customize the order of columns in your search results display. Join the upcoming webinar to learn more about customizing search results in Flexmls. 

Video URL to copy/paste into post: 


Simplify Your Property Searches with Quick Search Templates https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/simplify-your-property-searches-with-quick-search-templates/ Wed, 31 May 2023 04:03:29 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/opt-in-status-report-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Quick Search templates. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Simplify Your Property Searches with Quick Search Templates

With Quick Search templates, you can avoid setting up custom property searches from scratch every time you log into Flexmls, saving you valuable time. With Quick Search Templates, you can create a custom template with common fields you typically search. For example, a template to search for vacant land may include fields such as Status, List Price, Area, Lot Acres or Lot Size, and Zoning. Once you create and save a template, it will always be an option you can choose when beginning a Quick Search. 

Discover how to create, modify, share or delete your Quick Search templates with the resources below!

Short Tip Video
Quick Search: Permanently Add Fields To A Search Template

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)
Access Saved Quick Search Templates

Written Help
Quick Search Templates

Save time by creating Quick Search templates in Flexmls. These templates contain a few fields of information with which to start a search, saving you the hassle of having to start from scratch!

Video URL to copy/paste into post: 


Opt-In Status Report https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/opt-in-status-report/ Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:46:06 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/why-you-should-be-viewing-your-listings-activity-report-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Opt-In Status Report. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Contacts Not Getting Subscription Emails? Here’s Where to Check

The Opt-In Status Report in Flexmls shows which contacts are receiving listing updates via email for their subscriptions. (Quick refresh: subscriptions are the auto-emails that go out when listings that match your contact’s search are added or changed). Your clients are required to opt in to email subscriptions, giving Flexmls permission to send them auto-emails. With the Opt-In Status Report you can view a summary of your contacts’ opt-in statuses, or dive deeper to see who is pending opt-in, undeliverable, confirmed, opted-out or inactive–plus tips as to why your contacts are listed under those statuses. 

For example, if you see your contact under Undeliverable, the Opt-In Status Report might show that this is because that contact’s email address doesn’t exist and that you may want to check the spelling. If you have a contact who says they aren’t receiving subscription updates (and should be), this report is a great way to check their status and provide reasoning as to why they aren’t getting email updates. 

Short Tip Video
Subscription Opt-In Status Report

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)
Opt-In Status Report for Subscriptions

Written Help
Opt-In Status Report

Have a client who says they aren’t getting auto-emails for the subscriptions you have set up for them? The Opt-In Status Report can help you figure out why that might be. Learn more with this 60 second video! 

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/short-tip-videos/subscription-opt-in-status-report/?utm_source=hubspot&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=flex+fast+pass&utm_ID=2023.o.fl.63

Why You Should be Viewing Your Listing’s Activity Report https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/why-you-should-be-viewing-your-listings-activity-report/ Mon, 27 Mar 2023 19:12:49 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/perfect-listing-find-the-perfect-buyer-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Listing Activity Report. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Why You Should be Viewing Your Listing’s Activity Report

The Listing Activity Report provides valuable insights into how potential buyers and other agents in your MLS are interacting with your listings. This report is continuously updated to provide real-time statistics for the listings. It also includes important information, such as where people are viewing the listing (internet sites, customer portals, Flexmls messaging, and IDX site), how they’re rating it, other listings those people are looking at, and more. By analyzing the report, you can see if people are looking at your listing, and then see what action they are taking after viewing it (such as saving it or rejecting it). You can also set the report as an auto-email to your client, making it easy to keep them up-to-date. Learn more about where to find the Listing Activity Report and what you can learn by viewing it using the resources below.

Recorded Training

Short Tip Video

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Written Help

Curious where people are viewing your listings? Or how they’re rating them? Or what other listings they are also looking at? Find answers to all of those questions in the Listing Activity Report in Flexmls. Watch this short video to learn more! 

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post: https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/short-tip-videos/listing-activity-report/

Great Listing? Find the Perfect Buyer https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/perfect-listing-find-the-perfect-buyer/ Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:26:59 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/connecting-you-and-your-homebuyer-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Reverse Prospecting. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

You have the perfect listing. Who’s the perfect buyer?

There’s a lock for every key. Help your listing find its perfect match! With Reverse Prospecting, you can increase your listing’s exposure by alerting other agents in your MLS if they have a contact with a saved search that matches one of your listings. Flexmls will generate an email to that agent–and you can customize the email however you like. To be eligible for reverse prospecting, a search must have been created or updated within the past year and it must be attached to a contact in Contact Management. This is a great way to market your listings and get them seen by potential buyers!

But wait, there’s more…say you’ve found a listing, but you aren’t sure which client of yours it would be perfect for. Here, you can use the Match Contacts process to find which of your contacts would be interested in the listing according to their attached searches.

Recorded Trainings

Guided Tours (must login to Flexmls to access)

Written Help

Increase your listing’s exposure with Reverse Prospecting in Flexmls. Reverse Prospecting will alert other agents in the MLS if they have a client with saved search criteria that matches your listing. Learn how to do it →

Video URL to copy/paste into post

Connecting You and Your Homebuyer https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/connecting-you-and-your-homebuyer/ Tue, 13 Dec 2022 21:08:26 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/your-mls-on-the-go-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Flexmls for Homebuyers app. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Connecting You and Your Homebuyer

Enjoy a collaborative, engaged experience with your homebuyer! With the Flexmls for Homebuyers app, your clients have access to real-time listing data directly from your MLS. The app provides the same personalized experience as the Flexmls Portal in an easy-to-use mobile app. Your clients see your branding and contact information, along with the tailored searches and listing collections that you set up for them. Clients can even enable push notifications so they never miss a listing alert! Direct in-app messaging allows your clients to easily contact you to ask for more information or request a showing. Get your clients started with the mobile app to stay connected through their home buying journey! 

Videos :
Share these promotional app videos with all your clients so they can easily see why they should download and use a Flexmls Homebuyer App today.
‎‎‎‎‎‎  Video: Flexmls For Homebuyers (Android)
‎‎‎  Video: Flexmls For Homebuyers (iOS)

Where Can Your Clients Download Their App?
‎‎‎  Android Users: Google Play Store Download
‎‎‎  iOS Users: Apple Store Download

Where Can You Learn More About These Apps?

Recorded Training:
Learn how your contacts can get the app, see a demo of what the app allows them to do and find out how you can view their activity.
‎  Recorded Training: Flexmls For Homebuyers (Android App)
‎  Recorded Training: Flexmls For Homebuyers (iOS App)

Flexmls Help:
‎ ‎  For you: The Flexmls App for you Clients 
‎ ‎  For them: Flexmls for Homebuyers Help

Stay connected and engaged with your homebuyers throughout their home search journey with the Flexmls for Homebuyers mobile app!

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:

 Welcome To Your Flexmls For Homebuyer App (iOS)

Your MLS On-the-Go https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/your-mls-on-the-go/ Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:54:40 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/let-flexmls-find-comps-for-you-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Flexmls for Real Estate Pros app. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Your MLS On-the-Go

Taking your work from the office to anywhere is no problem with the Flexmls for Real Estate Pros mobile app. Utilize tons of functionality that allows you to work seamlessly between desktop and mobile. With the mobile app you can: 

  • Maintain listings (edit price, status, schedule an open house, upload photos/videos/virtual tours)
  • Access incomplete listings (view, edit listing media, and remove)
  • Message with contacts (share new listings via text message)
  • Search listings (based on current location, MLS# and more)
  • Track contact activity (see which clients are actively looking at listings)
  • and lots more! 

And the best part? When working with prospects, all searches, subscriptions, and portal activity are available across all platforms: create a search and subscription on your mobile device and access it and all associated contact activity on the full website.

Where Can I Learn More About These Apps?

Recorded Training:
Flexmls Pro App (Android)
Flexmls Pro App (iOS)

Continue your work no matter where you are – download the app today! 

Where can I download the app?

Android Users: Google Play Store Download
iOS Users: Apple Store Download

Are you using the Flexmls Agent app yet? The app lets you maintain listings, perform searches, message clients + more…
all on-the-go!

Download Flexmls for Real Estate Pros today.

Let Flexmls Find Comps for You https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/let-flexmls-find-comps-for-you/ Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:51:03 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/hot-market-you-need-a-hot-sheet-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Comparable Searching in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Let Flexmls Find Comps for You

Looking for an easier way to find comp listings in Flexmls? Save yourself time with a one-click comparable search. Search an address or MLS# in the Quick Launch search bar, click your result under the comparable search section, and you’ll be taken to comparable results for that listing. By default, results will show listings in a ¼ mile radius with Active, Pending, and Closed listings with the exact number of beds and baths as the address or MLS number you are searching. However, you can customize this search even further under the Comparables tab in General Preferences. There, you can set parameters to customize your comparable search—including rooms, price, beds, bath, status, and more.

You can also access this search from the chevron next to any listing when looking at results or from the menu under the Detail tab when looking at Quick Search results. 

Recorded Training:
Coffee Break: General Preferences

Written Help:
Quick Launch Search Tips

Guided Help (must be logged into Flexmls):
Comparable Search from Quick Launch

Product News: 
New 1-Click Comparable Search

No matter what type of listing you’re searching for, Flexmls’s
1-click comparable search makes it easy to locate comparable listings.

Learn More

Hot Market? You Need a Hot Sheet https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/hot-market-you-need-a-hot-sheet/ Tue, 20 Sep 2022 20:30:22 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/search-on-the-wild-side-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about Hot Sheets in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Hot Market? You Need a Hot Sheet

Looking for a quick update on your market each morning? Add a Hot Sheet gadget to your Dashboard in Flexmls for a snapshot of all listing events such as price changes and new listings in the last 24 hours. You are also able to create a Custom Hot Sheet where you can set custom filters for the events and property types you are interested in. And we’ll also show you how to set up the Hot Sheet as a daily email. Check out the resources below to learn how! 

Recorded Training:
Custom Hot Sheets

Short Tip Video:
Hot Sheets

Written Help:
Hot Sheet
24-Hour Hot Sheet
Hot Sheet Views
Custom Hot Sheet

Guided Help:
24-Hour Hot Sheet
Subscribe to a Daily Hot Sheet Email

Hot Market? You need a Hot Sheet to keep up to date on your local market changes. A Hot Sheet is a snapshot of listing events for the last 24-hours. Watch this short video to learn how.

Search on the Wild Side https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/search-on-the-wild-side/ Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:13:21 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/single-listing-view-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about wildcard searching in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Search on the Wild Side

Wildcard searching in Flexmls allows you to strengthen your search if you are ever unsure about what exactly you are looking for. Normally, when filtering by a street name in Quick Search, there might be limitations on the search results you get. For example, if you enter a street name, such as “wood”, you will get back only search results that start with wood. However, a wildcard search will let you insert an asterisk in place of a word or letter. By adding an asterisk before wood (*wood), you will be able to see all search results that end with wood, such as Dogwood, Hollywood, and Northwood. If you add an asterisk after wood (wood*), you will get search results that begin with wood, such as Woodlawn, Woodstar, and Woodward. You can also add an asterisk before and after wood (*wood*) to search all results that have that term anywhere in the field. This is a helpful tool if you don’t remember the full street name you are searching, but this tool can be used many different ways.

Check out this help article to learn more. Also, did you know that when searching the Public or Private remarks, you can just type in a word (no asterisks) and it searches the entire remarks for that particular word? Follow this guided tour to see how you can search public or private remarks with a wildcard to help compensate for common misspellings of words.

🔎 Search on the wild side in Flexmls. Learn how to customize your search with Wildcards to include more results when searching a text field. Learn more

Note: Want to attach an image with your social media post content above? Save the image at the top of this page.

Single Listing View https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/single-listing-view/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 22:23:32 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-contact-management-can-lead-to-better-business-results-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members about the Single Listing View. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Single Listing View

Today we want to share a quick tip when looking at listing results in Quick Search. Once you have performed a search, have gotten search results, and have selected a specific listing, you can click the small blue box in the bottom right corner of that window to show the Single Listing View. This view is an easy, customizable, and efficient way to run through any set of listing results.

The panel at the top shows the photos or the map; whichever you click will open a larger view on the right side. The fields listed (current price, list price, etc..) are determined by the view you are using, so this is a great way to review listings with your most important fields in a consistent layout. You can use the up and down arrow keys to move through the set of results for an easy way to scan single listings in detail. You can also access this view by selecting any listing on the map and clicking “more info”. Give it a try!

Are you familiar with the Single Listing View in Flexmls? It’s an easy, efficient, and customizable way to run through a set of listings one by one. Once you select a listing from a set of results, click the little blue box to move to the Single Listing View. You can use the up and down arrow keys to easily move through your set of results in this view.

Note: Want to attach an image with your social media post content above? Save the image at the top of this page.

Maximizing Quick Launch Capabilities https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/deep-dive-into-quick-launch/ Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:07:14 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/ive-got-my-search-results-but-now-what-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Shareable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members a few features they might not be aware of when searching in Quick Launch. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Maximizing Quick Launch Capabilities

Today we are sharing a few lesser-known features when searching using Quick Launch. The Quick Launch bar is always available next to the Flexmls logo in the upper left corner of the page, and you can use it to search commonly used items in Flexmls. Let’s walk through a couple scenarios. 

  • You performed a search, looked at results, but then went and did something else. Now you want to go back to that search you ran but didn’t save. Enter: Draft Searches. In the Quick Launch bar, you can type “draft” and it will display the 5 most recent, unsaved searches that you ran. 

Quick Launch Draft Search Tips

  • Your client loved the location of a house (123 Main Street), but it’s no longer on the market. You want to search a 2 mile radius around that house for other listings in the area. In Quick Launch, you can search “2 miles from 123 Main Street” in the search bar and get a list of relevant results! Note: Radius searching is limited to whole numbers in the Quick Launch bar. 

Quick Launch Radius Search Tips

In addition to searching drafts and radiuses using the Quick Launch, you can also search for a contact, MLS number, listing address, saved and recent searches, basic criteria (beds, baths, property type, status), and more! Even better, you always have the option to open Quick Launch results in a new tab if you’re in the middle of something else. Easy to use for multitasking!


Full Quick Launch Overview:

Search From Quick Launch
Guided Help Tour: Quick Launch Tips

Searching in Quick Launch is flexible and intuitive, but there are many ways to perform different searches. Check out this Flexmls Help article to learn all the different searching options available!

Searching in Quick Launch is flexible and intuitive, but there are many ways to perform different searches. Check out this Flexmls Help article to learn all the different searching options available!
I’ve Got My Search Results, But Now What? https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/ive-got-my-search-results-but-now-what/ Tue, 24 May 2022 16:20:56 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/flexmls-news-where-you-want-it-when-you-need-it-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Shareable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members some tools for efficiency once they have search results in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

I’ve Got My Search Results, But Now What?

Searching is the foundation for completing many tasks in Flexmls, but what about once you have a list of search results? Where do you go from there? Below are some resources to help you navigate the search results page to complete tasks more efficiently. Whether it’s customizing a search template to get results you’ll love, creating a custom view to see fields that are useful to you, or emailing driving directions for a group of listings to a client – we’re sharing lots of cool tips and tricks below! Check them out!

Short Tip Video
Create Custom Views

Recorded Training
Flexmls Fundamentals – Quick Search and Search Results
Driving Directions in Flexmls
Love Your Search Results

Product News
You Can Now Resize Columns in Search Results & Print Preview

Written Help
Work with Search Results in Flexmls

Guided Help
Sort Search Results
Apply Sort to a View

What columns do you want to see when viewing search results in Flexmls? Hint: it may vary.
Check out this short video to learn how to create custom views to set specific columns that will be useful for you.

What columns do you want to see when viewing search results in Flexmls? Hint: it may vary.
Check out this short video to learn how to create custom views to set specific columns that will be useful for you.
Flexmls News – Where You Want it, When You Need it https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/flexmls-news-where-you-want-it-when-you-need-it/ Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:44:14 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-contact-management-can-lead-to-better-business-results-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members how to access the in-app notification center in Flexmls. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

Flexmls News – Where You Want it, When You Need it

What’s the fastest, easiest way to get your Flexmls news? The in-app notification center! To access the latest product news, user research opportunities, upcoming webinars, and more, simply login to Flexmls and click the bell icon in the top right corner. From there, you can open the newsfeed and search for something specific or just browse recent product enhancements. Easily revisit announcements without digging through email. Check it out below!

Flexmls news – where you want it, when you need it. Check out this video to learn about the in-app notification center!

Flexmls news – where you want it, when you need it. Check out this video to learn about the in-app notification center!
How Contact Management Can Lead to Better Business Results https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-contact-management-can-lead-to-better-business-results/ Tue, 22 Mar 2022 15:50:14 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/searching-tailored-to-your-needs-to-get-you-relevant-results-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members how to manage their contacts in Flexmls to improve business results. Time-saving for you—educational for your members!

How Contact Management Can Lead to Better Business Results

In the real estate business, you develop a lot of contacts and keeping track of them is no small feat. Being able to prioritize follow-ups with contacts who are active in Flexmls, sending holiday cards to stay top of mind for past clients, and inviting clients to a portal to view up to date listings are all ways to optimize client communication and improve business results. Under the Contact Management page in Flexmls, you can see which contacts were most active in the last seven days, print address labels for your contacts, and invite a client to a portal. Below, we’ll also show you how to track your contacts, view their activity, add a new contact, and find subscriptions for an associated contact. Learn how with the resources below!

Short Tip Video
Contact Management

Written Help
Contact Management
Print Contacts

Guided Tour
Add a New Contact
View Contact Activity
Invite a Contact to Use Portal

Recorded Training
Portal Invitations
Five Tips for Understanding Contact Activity

🔎 Looking for tips to help you manage your contacts in Flexmls? Check out this five-minute video to learn how to track contact activity to be able to prioritize which contacts to follow up with.

🔎 Looking for tips to help you manage your contacts in Flexmls? Check out this five-minute video to learn how to track contact activity to be able to prioritize which contacts to follow up with.
Searching Tailored to Your Needs to Get You Relevant Results https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/searching-tailored-to-your-needs-to-get-you-relevant-results/ Tue, 22 Feb 2022 22:49:48 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/the-dashboard-your-new-favorite-time-saving-tool-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste, and send the email below to teach your members how to create a powerful and tailored search using Quick Search. Time saving for you – educational for your members!

Searching Tailored to Your Needs to Get You Relevant Results
A quick guide to Quick Search:

Quick Search is a powerful searching tool available in Flexmls. Quick Search is based on a template of pre-selected fields where you can select search criteria. This template can be customized to include commonly used search fields, saving you time in Flexmls. Below are helpful resources on how to perform a Quick Search, as well as frequently asked questions about Quick Search.

How to Perform a Quick Search
Written Help: Quick Search
Guided Help: Listing Searches in Quick Search
Recorded Training: Quick Search and Search Results

Top Quick Search FAQs: Asked and Answered!
How do I select multiple statuses?
Find out here!

I don’t see the fields I need. How do I add a field?
Find out here!

How do I search the Public and/or Private Remarks?
Find out here!

How do I locate an address on the map and draw a radius in Quick Search?
Find out here!

We’re diving into the Flexmls Quick Search. To learn more about the most powerful searching tool in Flexmls, be sure to check out this quick video. Take advantage and don’t miss out on all the searching capabilities Flexmls Quick Search has to offer.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

We’re diving into the Flexmls Quick Search. To learn more about the most powerful searching tool in Flexmls, be sure to check out this quick video. Take advantage and don’t miss out on all the searching capabilities Flexmls Quick Search has to offer.
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:
Helpful Tools to Maintain Your Listings and Ensure Accuracy https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/helpful-tools-to-maintain-listings/ Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:56:20 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/the-dashboard-your-new-favorite-time-saving-tool-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass: Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste and send the email below to teach your members about how to maintain their listings. Time-saving for you – educational for your members!

Helpful Tools to Maintain Your Listings and Ensure Accuracy

Did you know you are able to connect the privacy of your listing’s visual media to the listing status? Or that you can update a listing status from your mobile device? We want to help you stay on top of important changes to your listings! Learn how to change a listing’s status, upload and manage photos, track listing activity, and much more below.

Short Tip Videos
Connect Visual Media Privacy to Listing Status

Recorded Trainings
Tips for Status Changes
How to Print Listings

Guided Tours (login to Flexmls)
Changing Listing Information
Upload and Manage Photos
Listing Activity Report

Written Help
Listing Maintenance FAQ
Change a Listing

Product News
Updated Look for Add/Change Listing Page

Maintaining your listings is important to ensure accuracy for yourself and other members. Check out this 15 minute recorded training for tips on status changes in Flexmls.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Maintaining your listings is important to ensure accuracy for yourself and other members. Check out this 15 minute recorded training for tips on status changes in Flexmls.
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:
The Dashboard: Your New Favorite Time-Saving Tool https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/the-dashboard-your-new-favorite-time-saving-tool/ Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:05:32 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-quick-search-templates-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass, Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste and send the email below to teach your members about the Dashboard in Flexmls and how they can customize it to simplify their workflow. Time saving for you – educational for your members!

The Dashboard: Your New Favorite Time-Saving Tool

Get in and out of Flexmls with as few clicks as possible by customizing your dashboard. The dashboard is the first page you land on when logging in to Flexmls, and it provides easy access to functions you use the most. It consists of several panels, or gadgets, containing information you need to make it an efficient starting point for your work. Drag and drop gadgets on your dashboard to customize it, and easily access saved search templates, hot sheet reports, market statistics, contacts or anything else you decide is needed to do your job quickly! You can also create multiple dashboards for your different workflows. Lastly, you have access to an MLS dashboard that keeps you up to date on your latest MLS news. This dashboard is not customizable and is controlled by your MLS. Explore some of the resources linked below to learn more!

Short Tip Videos
The Dashboard

Guided Tours
Get Started with Flexmls Navigation
Create a New Dashboard
Add a Gadget to an Existing Dashboard

Written Help
Flexmls Dashboard
Dashboard Customization

Are you utilizing your Dashboard in Flexmls to its full potential? Customize gadgets in your dashboard to have easy access to the functions you use most! Check out the quick video below to learn more.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Are you utilizing your Dashboard in Flexmls to its full potential? Customize gadgets in your dashboard to have easy access to the functions you use most! Check out the quick video below to learn more.
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Back to the Basics: Resources in Flexmls and Where to Find Them https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/back-to-the-basics-resources-in-flexmls-and-where-to-find-them/ Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:57:07 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-quick-search-templates-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye, Additional Work. Hello, Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass, Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste and send the email below to show your members where to find all the helpful resources available to them in Flexmls. Time-saving for you – educational for your members!

Back to the Basics: Resources in Flexmls and Where to Find Them

They say knowledge is power, so this month we’re taking you back to the basics to make sure you are equipped with the tools to be a Flexmls pro in the new year!  Below we will be sharing some resources, so that next time you’re stuck wondering how to do something or wanting to learn more about a product enhancement, you’ll know where to check! In-system training, written help, an academy full of training videos, product news – learn how to access it all. Having tons of great resources is only great if you know where to find them!  

  • Guided Tours
    • Select a topic you’d like to learn more about and the Flexmls Platform will instantly start guiding you through the process, step-by-step.
    • Where do I find it? Here!
  • In-App Notification Center
    • Flexmls news where it’s fastest, easiest and most convenient: in your daily workflow. The days of product news getting buried in your inbox are no more!
    • Learn more here!
  • Training Resources
    • You’ll want to bookmark this page – an Agent Academy full of resources such as recorded trainings, upcoming trainings, short tip videos and more!

    • Where do I find it? Here!

  • Written Help
    • Prefer written help? Use searchable help pages to answer all your questions.
    • See it here or learn more here!


If knowledge is power then you need to check out the Flexmls Agent Academy. Full of tools to help you succeed, you’ll find help pages, informative videos, recorded trainings, product news and more!
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If knowledge is power then you need to check out the Flexmls Agent Academy. Full of tools to help you succeed, you’ll find help pages, informative videos, recorded trainings, product news and more!
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:

Note: Want to attach an image with your social media post content above? Save the image at the top of this page.

Customize Quick Search Templates https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/customize-quick-search-templates/ Wed, 27 Oct 2021 15:47:00 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/5641-copy-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye Additional Work. Hello Flexmls Sharable Content!

It’s time for a Fast Pass, Flexmls content made for your members without additional work on your part. Simply copy, paste and send the email below to teach your members all about customizing Quick Search templates and views. Time saving for you – educational for your members!

Customize Quick Search Templates

We want to make sure the work you do in Flexmls is efficient, so today we’re sharing some actions you can take to customize your Quick Search templates. Are you always adding certain fields in Quick Search? Learn how to save those fields to a template so it is ready for you to use the next time. Did you know there is also a way to exclude a field from your search or search for a specific word in public or private remarks?  When viewing search results on the List screen,  you can customize the columns of information you see (like the sold date and sold price, for example). The ability to search and view results efficiently is key. You can find out how to do it all (and more) with the resources below!  

Work efficiently in Flexmls by creating custom Quick Search Templates that mirror how you work. Are you always adding certain fields to a search? Watch the video below to learn how to customize and save a Quick Search template so fields you need are already there, ready for you to use.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Work efficiently in Flexmls by creating custom Quick Search Templates that mirror how you work. Are you always adding certain fields to a search? Watch the video below to learn how to customize and save a Quick Search template so fields you need are already there, ready for you to use.
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:
Time Saving Customizations https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/5641-copy/ Tue, 21 Sep 2021 16:45:22 +0000 https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/5641-copy/ Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members how to edit their General Preferences so Flexmls is a product that works for them. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Time Saving Customizations

Want to learn how to customize Flexmls to make it work for you? If so, then check out the resources below to learn all the different customizations you can make in General Preferences. Are you trying to stay up to date with the latest changes in your market? Turn on the preference that will email you the daily Hot Sheet. Do you want to control what Listings are included under My Listings? Open General Preferences and decide what statuses you would like to include (Active, Pending, Closed, etc..). Would you prefer to have Quick Search be the first page you see when you login? Turn that setting on there too. There are so many customizations and time saving tools available for you under General Preferences and we want to make sure you know about them!  Check out the resources below to learn more about the customization options available to you!


Time Saving Flexmls customizations are just a few clicks away! Learn how to stay up to date with the market by automatically sending yourself the daily Hot Sheet in an email. Check out the General Preferences menu in Flexmls and learn how to turn on this time saving feature and many others!
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Time Saving Flexmls customizations are just a few clicks away! Learn how to stay up to date with the market by automatically sending yourself the daily Hot Sheet in an email. Check out the General Preferences menu in Flexmls and learn how to turn on this time saving feature and many others!
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:

Note: Want to attach an image with your social media post content above? Save the image at the top of this page.

Work Smarter Not Harder with Saved Searches Gadget https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/5641/ Mon, 30 Aug 2021 15:18:15 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5641 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members how to add and use a Saved Searches gadget on their dashboard. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Pro Tip: Save Time by Customizing Your Dashboard to Include Saved Searches Gadget

The Flexmls platform is a system designed to work for YOU. And that means it is designed full of customizations so the system is catered to your needs. Now, hopefully you already know that you are able to customize your dashboard, but did you know that when making customizations you can include a Saved Searches gadget? The Saved Searches gadget lets you view all search results for a previously saved search. Through this gadget you are also able to see new listings in the saved search (listings from the past month that meet search criteria) or edit the search. All the information you need about your saved searches is easy to view as soon as you login. Check out the resources below to learn about how to save a search and customize your dashboard!


Quickly viewing saved searches has never been easier! Customize your dashboard to add a Saved Searches gadget to easily see all search results for a previously saved search.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Quickly viewing saved searches has never been easier! Customize your dashboard to add a Saved Searches gadget to easily see all search results for a previously saved search.
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:
Search Better and Faster with Radius Search https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/search-better-and-faster-with-radius-search/ Fri, 30 Jul 2021 00:41:08 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5583 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members how to quickly and efficiently perform a search that shows results within a certain radius. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Search Results Faster

Get Quick and Targeted Results with the Radius Search

We all love being able to find properties that match our criteria quickly, with results that are relevant, and a radius search allows you to do just that. A radius search enables you to look for listings within a specified distance from a selected point on the map. For example, is your client trying to find a home within 2 miles of their office? Or a daycare? Or the community pool? Start with a radius search! You can also exclude listings within a certain radius. If noise from the local airport is a concern, use the radius tool to exclude any listings within 3 miles of the airport. You’ll look like a rockstar to your client. Multiple radius searching options are available in Flexmls. You can begin a radius search from the Quick Launch, from the Quick Search Map tab, or from the MLS # Search page. Check out all the resources below to walk through how to create a radius search. Happy searching!


Searching in Flexmls? Learn how to create radius searches with this quick video and be a pro in no time! A radius search allows you to search for listings within a specified distance from a selected point on a map.
URL to copy/paste into Facebook with post:

Searching in Flexmls? Learn how to create radius searches with this quick video and be a pro in no time! A radius search allows you to search for listings within a specified distance from a selected point on a map.
URL to copy/paste into Twitter with post:
Portals Your Way: Customize What Your Clients See https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/portals-your-way-customize-what-your-clients-see/ Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:23:26 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5544 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members all about how to customize portals to meet the unique needs of their clients. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Portals Your Way
Customize What Your Clients See

Learn how to let the Flexmls Portal do the heavy lifting for you through customizations, saved searches and subscriptions! Your Flexmls Portal is a dedicated, client-facing website where your clients can view and interact with listings in your area. You can customize the portal news feed, the intro email, the listing content that clients see, and much more. In addition to portal customizations, the resources below will help you understand how subscriptions and saved searches are integrated with the Flexmls Portal. For example, you can save a client’s search criteria and automatically send customized subscription emails when new listings come on the market. These tools are incredibly valuable and time saving. Check out the resources below to learn more!


Are you customizing your Flexmls Portal? Portals are a great way for your clients to view and interact with listings in your area. Check out the recorded training below to learn all about portal preferences and become an expert!
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Are you customizing your Flexmls Portal? Portals are a great way for your clients to view and interact with listings in your area. Check out the recorded training below to learn all about portal preferences and become an expert!
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How To Easily Transition Your Developers Off RETS https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/how-to-easily-transition-your-developers-off-rets/ Mon, 03 May 2021 20:28:51 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5406 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your developers without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re switching up our content and providing you with pre-created content that will teach your developers all about transitioning from RETS to the Spark or RESO Web API so they can join the future of Real Estate data transport and be backed by RESO Standards. Simply copy and paste the pre-written developer email below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!

How To Easily Transition Your Developers Off RETS
Future-Focused & RESO Standards Driven

Hi There (Developer Name), 

I’m writing to you because you currently either receive a RETS data feed or have requested one. We’d like to let you know that beginning (enter date here), we are transitioning data consumers from RETS to the Spark or RESO Web API, and all current RETS feeds must be transitioned to API by (enter date here).

RETS is currently being deprecated in favor of the Spark API and our RESO Web API. The future of real estate data transport increasingly uses RESO standards like the Web API and Data Dictionary. We urge developers and vendors to begin the transition from RETS to the APIs as early as possible.

The Spark Platform helps MLSs and developers connect for data feeds. Developers experienced with APIs should handle registration and applications. Agents and brokers should avoid signing up unless they know APIs to avoid confusion and fees.

Follow these steps to learn how to subscribe to an MLS data plan in the Spark Datamart:

1. Visit Spark and register as a developer. Note: Check out Pricing, Documentation, and the MLS Coverage section on the Spark website.

2. Complete the Developer Registration form and click “Sign Up” at the bottom of the page. 

3. Once your registration has been approved, you’ll need to sign up for a data plan to access live data. Start by logging into your new developer account.
4. Under the Datamart menu on the left, click “View Developer Datamart”. Click on the “Datamart” link near the top left. You will have to enter a payment method if you have not done so already. The payment screen drops you off in the app store when you’re finished entering your details, so once it does, go back to the Datamart at https://sparkplatform.com/appstore/datamart.

5. Find the MLS and data plan (IDX, VOW, etc.) you’d like to subscribe to and click “Plans and Pricing” to view the licensing costs and Terms and Conditions.
6. Click the “I accept the Terms and Conditions” checkbox.
7. Select the application(s) that will use the data.
8. Indicate whether you are building a product for a specific broker or agent or, if the option is available, multiple brokers or agents. Note: If building for a specific broker or agent, their Flexmls Login Name or TechId is required.

Developers transitioning from RETS to API can submit approval requests using the member’s TechId, in the RETS feed, the TechId is AgentId (MEMBER_0 in the Agent resource).

9. Click “Purchase With Approval”.
Clicking “Purchase With Approval” initiates the approval process. Depending on required approvals, the agent, office, association, and MLS may need to approve the subscription. After all approvals have been completed, you will receive an email from Spark with your data access instructions, you will see your subscriptions on your Spark dashboard, and your payment will be processed.

If an appropriate data plan is not available in the Spark Datamart, please contact the MLS directly to determine if they provide API access.

FBS API pricing is as follows:

  • If an MLS you want access to offers a data plan via our Datamart, you’d need to subscribe to it to get an API key with the appropriate permissions. Once you have at least one active Datamart subscription, our Spark API Pricing Model kicks in – There is an API fee of $50 per month per MLS. This fee is charged by FBS and not by the MLS.
  • Some MLS data plans have initial setup, monthly, or yearly fees associated with them, while others do not. The data plans and associated fees are determined by each MLS and separate from other fees.


Feel free to view the above steps in our documentation here.

Make Your Searches Faster & Easier https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/make-your-searches-faster-easier/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:16:34 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5147 Continued]]> Fastpass Flexmls Quick Search Fast Pass

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members all about Quick Search customizations so they can customize their templates, sorts and views like a pro. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!

Quick Search Customizations

Make Your Searches Faster & Easier

You already know that Quick Search is the fastest way to search, but have you customized it to work for you? Use its flexibility to your advantage! You can change the default templates to show the fields you need, expand all search fields by default, and more. Make all your customization dreams a reality by selecting your favorite learning method and topic below and start customizing today.



You already know that Quick Search is the fastest way to search, but have you customized it to work for you? Use its flexibility to your advantage! Get started today by learning how to streamline your searches and customize your Quick Search templates to make your searches faster and easier.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



You already know that Quick Search is the fastest way to search, but have you customized it to work for you? Use its flexibility to your advantage! Get started today by learning how to streamline your searches and customize your Quick Search templates to make your searches faster and easier.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Stay In The Know With The Flexmls Hot Sheet https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/stay-in-the-know-with-the-flexmls-hot-sheet/ Thu, 04 Feb 2021 17:28:01 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=5105 Continued]]> Stay In The Know With The Flexmls Hot Sheet

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members all about the Hot Sheet so they can always stay up to date on recent activity in the MLS. The Hot Sheet helps selling agents sell their listings faster than ever and helps buyer’s agents stay in the know so their clients don’t miss out. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Stay In The Know With The Flexmls Hot Sheet

Keeping You On Top Of Market Changes

Do you start each morning by checking in on what happened with the market while you slept? With the Flexmls Hot Sheet, you can accomplish this daily task while you drink your morning cup of joe. The Hot Sheet shows you listing events, such as new listings or price changes, that have recently occured in the MLS. Most commonly, the Hot Sheet covers a 24-hour period, but you can also view a 48- or 72-hour period. You can even create your own Hot Sheet to show the property types, listing updates and time period that you are most interested in. So if you want to impress your clients and stay on top of market changes, make sure you start using the Flexmls Hot Sheet today. You can find it in the Flexmls System by navigating to the Flexmls Menu > Hot Sheet, or select your favorite learning method below to learn more!



Do you start each morning by checking in on what happened with the market while you slept? With the Flexmls Hot Sheet, you can accomplish this daily task while you drink your morning cup of joe. Watch this video to learn how to create and view your very own Hot Sheet so you can stay on top of market changes and know how to impress your clients today.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Do you start each morning by checking in on what happened with the market while you slept? With the Flexmls Hot Sheet, you can accomplish this daily task while you drink your morning cup of joe. Watch this video to learn how to create and view your very own Hot Sheet so you can stay on top of market changes and know how to impress your clients today.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


How Customer Flyers Help Showcase Your Listings https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/how-customer-flyers-help-showcase-your-listings/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:53:18 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4852 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that will teach your members about Customer Flyers so they can showcase their listings and grow their business. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


How Customer Flyers Help Showcase Your Listings

Quick. Easy. Eye-Catching.

Did you know that in just a few clicks, you can create a beautiful flyer that will showcase your listings digitally or in print to help you sell listings faster than ever? Our Customer Flyers are professional, one-page flyers that are quick and easy to set up. You can highlight beautiful listing photos, show the availability of rental listings, and more. We have all your needs covered with our predefined template designs. Plus, your listings are sure to shine on any device thanks to their responsive design. So if you aren’t yet utilizing our Customer Flyers, check them out in Flexmls under My Reports > Customer Flyers, or select your favorite learning method below to get up and running today!

  • Announcements:
  • Written Help:


Social Content:



Did you know that in just a few clicks, you can create a beautiful flyer that will showcase your listings digitally or in print to help you sell listings faster than ever? Our Flexmls Platform offers professional, one-page Customer Flyers that come with predefined layout templates to make setup quick and easy. Learn more here:

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Did you know that in just a few clicks, you can create a beautiful flyer that will showcase your listings digitally or in print to help you sell listings faster than ever? Our Flexmls Platform offers professional, one-page Customer Flyers that come with predefined layout templates to make setup quick and easy. Learn more here:

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Why You Should Be Using Flexmls Portals https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/why-you-should-be-using-flexmls-portals/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:50:25 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4848 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that relates to a broader theme of how your members can personalize their client’s experience. The Flexmls Portal is a powerful tool that helps your members work more efficiently with their clients throughout their home search journey.  Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Why You Should Be Using Flexmls Portals

Impress Your Clients & Grow Your Business

Flexmls Portals are the ultimate collaboration hub for you and your clients. These personalized, client-facing websites beautifully highlight you as the source of the most accurate listing content while giving your clients what they need, when they need it – all in a secure, online space. From sending portal invites, to easily gaining visibility into your client’s property interests through Contact Activity, Flexmls has you covered. If you aren’t yet utilizing the power of our Flexmls Portals, select your favorite learning method below to get up and running today!

Flexmls Portals For You:

  • Short Tip Videos:
  • Announcements:
  • Written Help:

Flexmls Portals For Your Clients


Social Content:



Are you utilizing the POWER of Flexmls Portals? It’s the ultimate collaboration hub for you and your clients. These personalized, client-facing websites beautifully highlight YOU as the source of the most accurate listing content while giving your clients what they need, when they need it – in a secure, online space.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Are you utilizing the POWER of Flexmls Portals? It’s the ultimate collaboration hub for you and your clients. These personalized, client-facing websites beautifully highlight YOU as the source of the most accurate listing content while giving your clients what they need, when they need it – in a secure, online space.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Everything You Need To Know About Contact Activity Tracking https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/everything-you-need-to-know-about-contact-activity-tracking/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:47:12 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4844 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that relates to a broader theme of how your members can personalize their customer’s experience. Contact Activity Tracking helps your members stay on top of their most active clients so they can personalize and prioritize their client follow-ups more efficiently. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Contact Activity Tracking: Visually See What Your Clients Are Up To

Impress Your Clients & Grow Your Business

Keeping track of what your prospects and clients are doing and showing up at the right time with the right message can be a lot to stay on top of. Luckily, our MLS partner Flexmls by FBS does the heavy lifting for you with Contact Activity Tracking. They take all the bits of data and transform them into crisp, easy-to-understand visuals–bursts of insight that appear right when you need to see them. So without digging into a stack of details, you can visually see who is active and drill down to look at what they’re doing and prioritize your client follow-ups. Use the resources below to learn all about Contact Activity Tracking.

  • New To Contact Activity?
  • Short Tip Videos:
  • Announcements:
  • Written Help:


Social Content:



If you want to impress your clients and grow your business, you need insight into which homes they’re most interested in. Contact Activity Tracking in Flexmls allows you to visually see this without digging into a stack of details, so you can prioritize your follow-ups right away.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



If you want to impress your clients and grow your business, you need insight into which homes they’re most interested in. Contact Activity Tracking in Flexmls allows you to visually see this without digging into a stack of details, so you can prioritize your follow-ups right away.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


How To Send Automated Subscriptions https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/how-to-send-automated-subscriptions/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:42:39 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4838 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re providing you with pre-created content that relates to a broader theme of how your members can personalize their customer’s  experience. At the start of the agent-client relationship, setting up subscriptions is an essential part of the process, and we want to ensure they know how to do it. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


How To Send Automated Subscriptions

Impress Your Clients & Grow Your Business

Are you familiar with Flexmls subscriptions? If not, they’re automated emails that notify your clients of any new listings that match their specific criteria, based on saved search parameters. Use the resources below to learn how to quickly create a subscription from your Quick Search page.

Step By Step Guided Tours In Flexmls:

Recorded Training:


Written Help:


Social Content:



If you haven’t set up automated subscriptions to notify your clients of new listings that match their search criteria, this Flexmls Guided Tour is for you. Click below and learn how to create a subscription quickly from your Quick Search page in Flexmls.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



If you haven’t set up automated subscriptions to notify your clients of new listings that match their search criteria, this Flexmls Guided Tour is for you. Click below and learn how to create a subscription quickly from your Quick Search page in Flexmls.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Flexmls For Homebuyers: Keeping You & Your Clients Connected https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/flexmls-for-homebuyers-keeping-you-your-clients-connected/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:38:40 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4834 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass.

This month we’re helping you promote happier, more collaborative member and client relationships with the recent launch of our new Flexmls Android App for Homebuyers (along with an updated iOS App). Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Flexmls For Homebuyers: Keeping You & Your Clients Connected

Tell Your Clients To Download Their Very Own App Today

With the launch of Flexmls’ Android App for Homebuyers, you can now offer ALL your clients a personalized app experience regardless of device. You’ll be able to easily connect and collaborate with your clients throughout their home search journey.

How Should You Spread The Word To Your Clients?

Videos :

Share these promotional app videos with all your clients so they can easily see why they should download and use a Flexmls Homebuyer App today.

Where Can Your Clients Download Their App?

Where Can You Learn More About These Apps?

Recorded Training:

Learn how your contacts can get the app, see a demo of what the app allows them to do and find out how you can view their activity.

Android Announcement:

Learn all about the features you and your clients will love most.

Flexmls Help:


Social Content:



With the launch of Flexmls’ Android App for Homebuyers, you can now offer ALL your clients a personalized app experience regardless of device. You’ll be able to easily connect and collaborate with your clients throughout their home search journey. Tell your clients to download their very own app today.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



With the launch of Flexmls’ Android App for Homebuyers, you can now offer ALL your clients a personalized app experience regardless of device. You’ll be able to easily connect and collaborate with your clients throughout their home search journey. Tell your clients to download their very own app today.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Virtual Open Houses and Tours of Homes https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/virtual-open-houses-tours-of-homes/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:34:32 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4829 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!

Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass. This month we’re helping you remind your members to host livestream open houses and tours of homes during this time of uncertainty. We’ve bundled up everything to do with our recent launch of livestream open houses and tours of homes so your members can feel confident creating and hosting virtual events. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Livestream Open Houses & Tours of Homes

Host Virtual Events In These Times of Uncertainty

Livestream Open Houses & Tours of Homes in Flexmls provide you with the tools you need to feel confident about creating and hosting virtual events. If you haven’t hosted one yet, have questions about how you set them up or how to add them to your listing, check out the resources below to get up and running today.

What Are Your Options?

You have multiple options for adding digital media (other than photos) to your listings. Here’s how to use each option in Flexmls.

Open House/Tour of Homes:

  • A live, scheduled event that is either virtual or in-person.
  • *Available in the Scheduled Marketing Activities section of the Change Listing Page.

Virtual Tour:

  • A slide show or other interactive media that is pre-recorded or created and not scheduled.
  • *Available in the Media section of the Change Listing Page.


  • A walkthrough or presentation that is pre-recorded or created and not scheduled.
  • *Available in the Media section of the Change Listing Page.

Virtual Announcements, Videos & Help:

If you additionally want 5 quick tips on how to set up your listings for virtual success,  click here to read a post from Inman . You can also view  NAR’S latest guidance on conducting open houses here.


Social Content:



Have you hosted a livestream open house or tour of homes yet? If not, watch this quick 2-minute video to learn how to add scheduled event links to your listings, how to search for upcoming open houses, and how to register to attend livestream open houses and tours of homes!

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Have you hosted a livestream open house or tour of homes yet? If not, watch this quick 2-minute video to learn how to add scheduled event links to your listings, how to search for upcoming open houses, and how to register to attend livestream open houses and tours of homes!

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Get All Your Questions Answered With Flexmls Help https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/flexmls-help-help-flexmls-com/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:29:27 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4824 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!


Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass: professionally created marketing-communication bundles that you simply copy, paste and share with your members –  no additional work necessary . Your Fast Pass kit will always include easily shareable marketing content focused on a specific Flexmls subscriber feature or benefit.

This month we’re helping you remind your members of all the great benefits Flexmls Help provides to them when it comes to finding answers to their questions. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


Flexmls Help ( help.flexmls.com )

You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Have you ever been working in Flexmls and needed to know how to do something now but were unsure where to turn for the answer? Whether you’re new to Flexmls or a Flexmls veteran, Flexmls Help allows you to simply search for anything you want to know and answers will instantly appear before your eyes! Watch this quick video to get a preview of Flexmls Help and learn why you want to start using it today. Find it in Flexmls under Help > Flexmls Help or access it from any browser by visiting help.flexmls.com .


If video isn’t your thing and you just prefer to read about some key features of Flexmls Help, continue reading below.

Get Your Questions Answered In A Snap

The homepage is packed with commonly asked questions to give you quick access to answers. If you don’t see what you are looking for, just type some keywords into the search bar.

Searching Made Easy

Easily search for what you want to know or browse through the help categories (organized similarly to the Flexmls menu) to drill down and find your answer. You’ll instantly find relevant topics, accompanied by visuals, related videos, and even links to guided help tours in Flexmls.

Pro Tip: You can search directly from the sidebar in Flexmls Help. No need to switch back and forth to the homepage to run your next search.

Everything At Your Fingertips

They say knowledge is power. Become a Flexmls expert or easily learn something new on your own time, anywhere you have internet access.

Now what are you waiting for? Visit help.flexmls.com today and get all your questions answered.


Social Content:



Have you ever been working in Flexmls and needed to know how to do something new but were unsure where to turn for the answer? Whether you’re new to Flexmls or a Flexmls veteran, Flexmls Help allows you to simply search for anything you want to know and answers will instantly appear before your eyes! Watch this quick video to get a preview of Flexmls Help and learn why you want to start using it today. Find it in Flexmls under Guided Help > Flexmls Help or access it from any browser by visiting help.flexmls.com .

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Have you ever been working in Flexmls and needed to know how to do something new but were unsure where to turn for the answer? Whether you’re new to Flexmls or a Flexmls veteran, Flexmls Help allows you to simply search for anything you want to know and answers will instantly appear before your eyes! Watch this quick video to get a preview of Flexmls Help and learn why you want to start using it today. Find it in Flexmls under Guided Help > Flexmls Help or access it from any browser by visiting help.flexmls.com .

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


Learn To Customize Your Flexmls Menu https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/your-menu-your-way/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:23:51 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4819 Continued]]>

Zip Right Past The Work & Straight Into Results!


Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? We’ve got you covered! Introducing Flexmls Fast Pass: professionally created marketing-communication bundles that you simply copy, paste, and share with your members –  no additional work necessary. Your Fast Pass kit will include easily shareable marketing content focused on a specific Flexmls subscriber feature or benefit.

Here’s your very first Flexmls Fast Pass about customizable menus. This Fast Pass includes a pre-written member email and social media posts that you can just copy and paste!


Your Menu. Your Way.

Customize Your Flexmls Menu To Work The Way You Do

Does your Flexmls menu quickly get you where you need to go or are you always scrolling through items that you don’t use? Did you know that you can customize your menu by using the  Favorites  feature in Flexmls? 

Click to watch this quick 2 minute video  and learn how to set your menu up with your Favorites/most frequently used items. If you prefer to jump right into Flexmls, this guided tour will get you up and running right away and if you run into any questions here is a link to our Flexmls Help site that covers everything to do with our Flexmls Menu.


If video isn’t your thing and you just prefer a simple step-by-step, read below! 

Here’s how you can customize your Favorites using the menu in Flexmls:

  1. Log into Flexmls.
  2. The Menu is in the top left corner of the page. (It’s the pathway to everything Flexmls has to offer, including links to all other pages, contacts, your listings, your previous emails, and much, much more.) 
  3. If you’re not a fan of scrolling, use the search bar to look up the menu item you’re looking for.
  4. Hover over any menu item to reveal a star. Click the star outline to make the item a favorite. The star will turn yellow and your newly selected favorite will instantly appear in the top menu bar. Now, you’ll have one-click access to your most-used pages from anywhere in Flexmls. 
  5. Add as many favorites as you wish! If the bar gets full, a ‘More’ button at the right side of the favorites menu will contain the overflow.
  6. To reorder your favorites, click on the ‘Reorder’ button to the right of the ‘More’ button. Here you can rearrange your favorites with a simple drag and drop. If you fall out of love with any of your favorites, you can simply remove them with one click.

You’re now equipped to customize and enjoy your Flexmls menu!


Social Content:



Have you customized your Flexmls menu to work the way you do? Watch our short 2-minute video to learn how to favorite the most-used Menu items that will allow you one-click access to what you use in Flexmls every day. Now you can spend more time selling properties and less time wrestling with your software!

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



Spend more time selling properties and less time wrestling with your software! Learn to fully customize your Flexmls Menu with favorites in less than 2 minutes.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:


The Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center https://flexmls.com/flexmls-academy/mls-administrators/fast-pass/the-flexmls-guided-help-resource-center/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 17:36:16 +0000 https://flexmls.com/?p=4787 Continued]]>

Bye-Bye Additional Work. Hello, Results!


Ready to share more Flexmls educational content with your members without doing extra work? Then it sounds like you’re in need of another Flexmls Fast Pass: professionally created marketing-communication bundles that you simply copy, paste and share with your members –  no additional work necessary. Your Fast Pass kit will always include easily shareable marketing content focused on a specific Flexmls subscriber feature or benefit.

This month we’re focusing on the Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center so your members always know where to turn when they run into a question. Simply copy and paste the pre-written member email and social media posts below, and spend your normal content-creating time elsewhere!


The Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center

Your 24/7 Classroom

When you need help, have a question or want to learn how to do something in Flexmls right now, do you know where to turn? The answer is the Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center, located right next to Quick Launch in Flexmls Web. It’s like having a Flexmls tutor built directly into your computer that provides you with 24/7 access to training on anything you need to know. Click to watch this short video and learn what Guided Help can help you with today.


If video isn’t your thing and you just prefer a simple step-by-step, continue reading below!

  1. Log into Flexmls. Click on Guided Help, located right next to the Quick Launch Bar.
  2. The Guided Help Resource Center will open. Use it to access a variety of learning resources all in one place.
    1. Guided Help Search Bar: Enter keywords into this powerful searching tool to find the information you need. Get help on specific Flexmls system features, find upcoming training, watch video tutorials, and more. Simply start typing and multiple resources will appear at your fingertips.
    2. Guided Help Tours: For a step-by-step walkthrough of a task in Flexmls, expand one of the topics with a + sign next to it.  Click on any of the links with the pointing hand icon, and Guided Help will instantly start walking you through the process.
    3. Quick Access to Additional Help Resources: See a paper airplane icon next to something in Guided Help? That’s a quick visual way to let you know that clicking on that item will open that resource in a new tab.

Have you noticed small blue exclamation points with a circle around them or “GH circles” sprinkled throughout Flexmls? Those are Guided Help-powered Smart Tips. They’re small in size, but mighty in knowledge. Click or hover on a Smart Tip anywhere you see one in Flexmls to learn more about a particular feature in context. You can learn something new without even trying

Whether you’re completely new or a Flexmls veteran, the Guided Help Resource Center can help you increase your knowledge, at your own pace, and on your own schedule.


Social Content:



When you need help, have a question or want to learn how to do something in Flexmls right now, do you know where to turn? The answer is the Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center, located right next to Quick Launch in Flexmls Web. It’s like having a Flexmls tutor built directly into your computer providing you with 24/7 access to training on anything you need to know.

Video URL to copy/paste into Facebook with Post:



When you need help, have a question or want to learn how to do something in Flexmls right now, do you know where to turn? The answer is the Flexmls Guided Help Resource Center, located right next to Quick Launch in Flexmls Web. It’s like having a Flexmls tutor built directly into your computer providing you with 24/7 access to training on anything you need to know.

Video URL to copy/paste into Twitter with Post:

